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he was drunk.
for the first time since i'd known miles, he was pissed drunk and barely able to navigate his own steps without almost falling, "your room is nice."

i rolled my eyes as he stumbled over my plush carpet, "thanks, try not to wreck it."

miles laughed, walking closer to me, his hands resting on my waist. his right hand found it's way to my left as he pulled it up and kissed the back, entangling our fingers, "your face is nice too," he slurred, his head coming to rest on the part where my shoulder met my neck, kissing it before pulling away and looking at me.

"miles..." stop being so you.

he smiled, his crooked smile, tucking a loose brown curl behind my ear. i could smell the alcohol on his breath before he planted an unexpected wet kiss on my lips and in that moment, i felt infinite, "you're so pretty, georgie." he mumbled.

pushing him back slightly, i tried to ignore the way my hands felt warm in his and my lips tasted of cheap beer and cigarettes, "miles, you're drunk."

"georgie, c'moooooon."

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