pokimane and valkyrae | one

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   YOU WERE SAT IN YOUR ROOM, in front of your set up screaming wildly as the ghost in outlast was chasing after you. you liked this game very much, you played it out three or four times now and it wasn't scary- until you got to the end for some reason.

   "I hate this paaart!" you yelled, taking your hands off your eyes as the credits started rolling. taking a deep breath you as you picked your bottle of water up from the floor and took a big sip.

   'here's a video of your roommates doing silly stuff- little wholesome after the horror <3 [youtube link]' you smiled at the donation while clicking out of the game and pulling only your camera up so if the video contained something not stream appropriate you could just pretend it never happened.

   "let's see..." you mumbled as you started the video and judging by how much you have looked into it so you put it on the stream.

   "valkyrae, pokimane, xchocobars, starsmitten funny moments." you read the title out loud before clicking on the little triangle.

   for the first few minutes it wasn't anything exciting but then it came to the valorant clips of the girls being out of context, forgetting to buy weapons, not using the right abilities.

   "why am i roommates with these four?" you asked out of breath, you stopped the video trying to regain the lost oxygen.

   "why am i dating two of these idiots?" you asked again when you finally could breathe like a normal person and no longer was choking from laughing so hard.

   "don't tell rae and imane, but i remember the first time we started dating, the girls were already deep into their relationship, and then they took an interest in me. so they called me up asking me out, i, of course, said yes and they forgot to put the phone down before yelling 'yayy, we got the girl'. " you chuckled at the memory before following up with another one since everyone was asking and another donation came up with asking for one more just like the first one.

   you were in the middle of the fourth story when your door opened but you were so into telling the story you didn't even notice it, you only felt two hands smacking your head, causing your headphones to fall off from your head and under your chair. you spun around, putting your hand on your scalp, and look at the two girls who were hurrying out of the room.

   "we have an among us stream soon, I'm gonna be the first kill so many times..." you groaned as you leaned down to get your headphones and say goodbye for that one hour before your among us stream with the others.


   chilling in the among us lobby, answering a few questions that popped up in the chat while waiting for the lobby creator to start the game. you were playing with leslie, celine, janet, corpse, sykkuno, toast, syd, rae, and imane. the game wasn't on proximity chat.

   "i bet those two are the impostors, they are following me too suspiciously." you said as you left the dropship and headed towards labs to do your tasks there.

   "you know what? I'm gonna trust in my girlfriends that they are not that-" you started just after getting off your second task, you thought they had the opportunity to kill you ever since the three of you stepped inside labs so for a second you thought 

   "-mad at me. suddenly i don't wanna play anymore." you sighed as you leaned back in your chair, pouting before picking your phone up and sending to your girlfriends a couple of angry emojis which they replied with a couple of different kinds of hears.

   'y/n is sleeping alone tonight.' a donation came up. shaking your head you rolled your eyes before thanking the donator.

   they will be the death of yours.


   "amy, chel?" you knocked on the opened door, calling your girlfriends by their adored nicknames. there they were on rae's bed, in each other's arms and staring at their phones in their hands

   "I'm sorry, i know i should have asked for you guys' permission to talk about our relationship a-" imane cut you off, waving you down as she turned her phones off. rae did the same, taking the phone from her girlfriend and putting them on the nightstand on her side.

  "it's okay y/n/n, we are not mad at you." the younger streamer said as she rose from rae's chest lightly to take a good look at your face.

  "you are not?" your worried expression softened into a clueless one as you didn't understand the actions and now that they are not mad at you.

   "no, we were just teasing you." rae shrugged, caressing imane's side as you groaned and rolled your eyes at them.

   "you scared the living hell out of me! i want cuddles for it, right now." you crossed your arms.

   "come here sweet girl." imane opened her arms as she sat up from rae's chest. with your hands still crosses and with an angry pout on your face, you hopped onto the bed, under the blanket, and let imane put her hands around your waist, pulling you into her embrace.

   "i hate you. both of you..." you mumbled as you snuggled closer to imane, the girls just chuckled.

   "we love you too." rae said before standing up, leaning back to peck your lip then imane's, and then went to get her laptop and turned on some kind of anime to watch but you really didn't pay attention as the three of you started a conversation about those embarrassing stories.

   yeah, they will definitely be the death of yours.

i know i said this will take time but i have no
idea what to write in my other books so thought i would
write this one haha

this was my first throuple so go easy on me

i hope you liked it! :)

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