valkyrae | nine

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   YOU WEREN'T FEELING the greatest, you were exhausted from all the streaming and today just made it worse. rachell had been busy all week with meeting with her friends, hundred thieves, streaming, and filming the music video for build a bitch with bella. you felt unsure if you should invite her over.

   you planted your phone back on your desk before pushing yourself up from your chair and heading to get a warm shower but before that, you went to get something to wear for the night from your closet.

   pulling a tie-dyed hoodie you brought it close to your chest as you inhaled the scent of it. it was rae's hundred thieves black, white, and, read tie-dye hoodie from last year's collection that she wears all the time at home.

   quickly you got done with showering, brushing your teeth, and headed to put the hoodie on. it was rae's, it felt like she was giving you a big warm hug- it might have been not her but it provided you comfort. you laid back in bed, curling up into yourself before trying to sleep.

   "I should call her..." you murmured before getting up to take your phone from the desk and dial your girlfriend's number.

   "hey, honey!" rae's voice perked as she picked up the phone.

   "hello..." you murmured, sitting down into your chair before pulling your knees up to your chest.

   "what's wrong? are you okay?" worry washed away rachell's cheery voice as the angry tides washed away the sandcastles of the youth on the beach.

   "just a little sad and I miss you... a lot." you sighed.

   "I'll be having my break soon then we can face time and you can tell me all about how today's stream went okay? i can take you some takis or oreos, maybe chips or soda? tomorrow, of course, you'll be probably asleep by the time I make it home." the streamer on the other side of the phone started to ramble which you found adorable.

   "rachell, breath." you chuckled.

   "all of those sound nice." you said after rae took a big breath, blowing her lungs up like a beach ball.

   "then you're getting all of those." a cheeky smile plastered itself on rae's cheeks as she crossed her arms, stepping into her trailer to warm up a little.

   "I miss you." you whispered, hiding your face behind your knees.

   "I miss you more."

   "not possible."

   "very much possible." rae laughed before you heard her name being called faintly after a set of knocking, a sigh left her mouth.

   "I gotta go now, see you in a bit then. i love you." it might have sounded hurried but she meant every word she said no matter her tone.

   "I love you too." you whispered before the line cut.

   your head falls back on the chair, hands hanging from the armrests while you slowly untangled your legs and slid off the chair. you didn't know how much time will pass by while you wait for rae to have her mentioned break but until then, you'll be taking a little nap. catching up with sleep is always a good idea.

comments are appreciated, hope you liked it! :)

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