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Im saltyshimarex on a03, my story was originally wrote on there so i thought I'd upload it here since ive been inactive for almost like- 6 months?? Maybe more i dunno, im back now though breaks will happen for a long time lol. But i will upload this story whenever i post it on a03 (archive of our own)!!! :€

"S-sakura you can't be dont mean it right?" the tan jinchuriki stuttered over his own words, trying to forget the harsh words and objects being thrown at him "you couldn't even bring Sasuke back!!! I'm so done with you naruto, you're good for nothing and nothing but a monster to this village...the same monster that destroyed the leaf village 14 years ago! we could never be friends unless Sasuke was here" she had stared at him with those eyes, the ones he was usually looked at with "god, I wish you would just go away and never come back"  "but that wasn't me... it was the Kyuubi!" he just couldn't bring himself to talk, all that came out were tears spilling rapidly from his eyes as he ran back to his apartment "sakura...that was a bit harsh dont you think?" Kakashi the copy ninja looked down at his student, clearly blinded by rage since her beloved 'Sasuke' wasn't back yet.

"It's the truth and naruto needed to know that..his existence has only brought harm to Konohagakure all its people...Tch and to think he thought he could become-" "sakura! That's enough!! Do you know naruto nearly died trying to bring Sasuke back?! How do you think he feels right now? And remember Sasuke is the one who left naruto bloody and ready to die on the ground! You honestly dont know anything of what it's like for naruto, and I won't let you talk down on him just because you couldn't get Sasuke!!" Kakashi, the calmest and collected person you could ever meet was fuming right now his memories flashed back to when he had found naruto there on the ground. Hole in his chest about a bug's way from dying. He thought about if only he had been there sooner then naruto wouldn't have had to fight Sasuke at all...maybe if he had just...made it there in time.

" sakura I want you to go apologize to naruto tomorrow morning and thank him for trying to bring Sasuke back. And I will report back to lady Tsunade in the meantime"  he weaved a single hand sign and then he was gone in the smoke. Sakura remained shock at what she had just said and done to Naruto, Kakashi was 100% right...naruto is a jinchuriki and all jinchuriki went through mostly the same is disgusted with herself. Naruto only wanted to bring his best friend back and was nearly killed in doing so.


Naruto couldn't believe what sakura had told him...why did everyone always think of him as a monster? Why is it always me! I did nothing and yet the village treats me like the plague..maybe sakura was right, maybe I do need to leave...leave, and never return.  Konoha was just a toxic place with toxic people and toxic ways. 

Yes that's right child~

"W-what? Who are you and how are you talking to me??"

Are you really that naive? I'm the nine tails

"The nine tails? Oh..."

Yes, naruto...

"But what do you want? And why come out NOW of all times??"

Because naruto...I'm sick of seeing the people here treat us like this, it isn't your fault it's I thought I'd help you get away from this village...

"But I thought you hated humans" 

I do, but we technically share a body so what happens to you happens to me. This meaning I will just have to cope with it for now.

Now grab your things and leave this ratchet village, and I shall teach you multiple styles of jutsu's, things the shinobi here could never teach you!

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