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"S-Sasuke w-wait n-not there" Sasuke hovered above naruto, ready to plunge a raging-

"GET YOUR ASS UP BASTARD" menma screamed in Sasuke's ear, hoping to scare the shit out of him while he was still asleep.

"What-!?" Sasuke jumped up, scared shitless.

"It's time to go" tobi swished around once again dancing.

Sasuke's pov:

'Damn was just a dream' i was having a really wet dream about menma and it was cut short by menma. Oh and that idiot Tobi. "What the hell is wrong with you dobe?! Get out!" I shouted at both of them and they ran out like roaches. I sighed as I stood up, wincing when I noticed a large bulge in my sweatpants "ugh" why was I even dreaming about that dobe?! I guess I should get rid of it...

No one's pov:

"Tobi thinks that was funny! Should we go scare him again?" Tobi giggled and turned to naruto.

"We should! But let me go in first, ill do my sexy justu on him" he smirked slyly and weaved some more signs, appearing in Sasuke's hotel room and he hid behind the small sofa.

"O-oh f-fuck" Naruto's eyes widened and looked a bit over the sofa and saw Sasuke slowly pumping his member.

'Oh hell no' he did the same hand signs and exited the room silently.

"So what happened?" tobi excitedly looked at his best friend who was blushing madly. "and are you ok-?"

"No. I'm not ok, I just saw and heard the most horrifying thing ever" Naruto tried to clear his mind of what he just saw.

"Oh uh- maybe we should just...go look for bananas!" tobi tapped naruto's shoulder. "Tag you're it!" he ran off.


"So now that naruto is on our side...what do we do?"

"When the time is right, we'll take the nine tails out of him"

"But won't that kill him-"

"Silence, just because he is your cousin does not mean that you show affections. We need the Kyuubi for this and since naruto has it within him, he must die"

"So for now, act like his friend and continue getting to know his trust and his weaknesses"

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