hm. jonin exams??

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We finally made it to the hidden leaf’s borderline. “Why aren’t we just walking in??” naruto asked the older Uchiha “naruto….I see all those lessons on making your tiny brain smarter hasn’t been working” Kisame rolled his eyes “HEY! IM SMARTER!!” naruto snapped back “the leaf has a barrier around it, it stops any unknown chakra from entering it. Since me and you have grown up here, our chakra is saved into its system but for Kisame…” naruto cut Itachi off “oh ok I get it! But can’t we just leave the shark here and take the information then come back? That seems a bit easier considering how if the three of us just walked into the village together.

 If it was only two of us then we would be able to move easier and it wouldn't alarm anyone that we were here, unless you plan to attack the current Hokage in order to gain information about Sasuke" Naruto blankly said. "Hmmm...that does seem like a great plan" Itachi pondered the blond’s plan, three people going in at once is risky… "fine, we'll try your idea" he nodded before taking out two long black trench coats "wear this over your Akatsuki hood naruto." "Wait Itachi, so will we be attacking the Hokage??" Naruto asked as he was putting on the coat. "No, we won't. Pein said not to do that, it would cause too much attention to the Akatsuki, and it would take too much time that we cannot afford to lose" 

Naruto nodded and looked at Kisame "don't lose your gills, we'll be right back" he laughs as he runs into the village, instantly noticing that the two shinobi who usually guarded the gates 3 years ago aren't there today why would they not have shinobi here, anyone could just attack the leaf. Naruto eventually started laughing to himself, the thought sheer thought of demolishing this hell hole tickling and eating away at him soon naruto….soon. This entire place will be gone and I'll have my revenge! 

Naruto...stop laughing like a psychotic buffoon! You're causing attention to yourself. 

Naruto rolled his eyes

"So what Kurama??" 

So..that would bring suspicion. Soon enough someone will come and- 

Naruto didn't even listen to what Kurama had to say at this point, he simply looked back to make sure Itachi was walking towards him and proceeded to jump across the buildings to the Hokage’s office. That damned fox was always nagging him about stuff and it seriously annoyed naruto. Itachi had finally caught up with him. 

"First we need to make sure that we could lure the Hokage out, the anbu black ops will most likely follow her for protection, so then we will enter." Itachi sighed, for once having no idea on what to do "Woah Itachi, you didn't plan anything here?" Naruto chuckled a little “I do not see how this is funny, naruto” naruto made a small apology smile, assuming pein had only just told them about this mission as well as naruto “don't worry, ill think of one” Itachi activated his Sharingan and stopped on a roof. 

While naruto waited he noticed this roof was the roof of his old apartment. “Hmm…” “ill be right back Itachi”  he jumped off the roof and kicked into his former home. Did someone ransack my old home??? Naruto soon started to giggle as he looked around. Old ramen packets were roaming the floor (not literally, silly) the entire place wreaked maybe I should have cleaned up before I left...oh well. It’s in the past now so it doesn’t matter. He turned around and found his picture was gone, the one he threw at the wall before he left. Wonder who took it. Oh well!. He let out a final giggle before going back to the roof with Itachi. “Did you think of a plan ‘tachi?” Itachi nodded “we will camp out in your apartment, then tomorrow we will register you for the jonin exams. It seems that they are hosting it here this year. 

While you are competing, I will go into the Hokage’s office and search for information. I’m sure the Hokage will be watching the exams in front row seating” naruto nodded in a bit of confusion “would they let me??” “well if we were to put naruto Uzumaki, then no. they would probably attack us and ask questions. So we won’t put your name, I was thinking about Menma Uzumaki. You would keep your last name, and just be known as a member of the Uzumaki clan” naruto nodded “but what about my looks? If this coat gets taken off while I’m battling then they’ll know who I am” Itachi pondered.

 “yes...that would be an issue” “can you do like a genjutsu or something?” naruto thought about ways to change his appearance “no...That wouldn’t work since I would have to use it on everyone” naruto looked up at the sky and let the wind blow his hair into different directions, the sun making bright ocean eyes into sapphire blue. “I think we could use that scroll Orochimaru left. Naruto, use your teleportation jutsu to teleport it here. Naruto nodded and began to weave signs. 

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