I'Ill look through your room

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The next chapter will be the last, also I re-wrote this chapter. I didn't really like the first version.

"Who are you really? Because you aren't who you claim to be."

"None of your business you bastard!" Naruto pushed Sasuke and stood up. "Just go to sleep!"

"Not until you tell me who you are" Sasuke was observant and persistent, no one could fool him for long. Naruto knew that but he at least had to try and keep his façade going for as long as possible. Besides, if Sasuke knew who he was he would leave again, Naruto just knew it!.

"No." Naruto planned to finish the argument by knocking out Sasuke but alas, a move like that could never work twice. Sasuke moved out of the way and kicked the back of Naruto's knees, causing him to fall on the ground with Sasuke on top of him. He was rendered truly helpless.

"Now you leave me no choice" He inched his hand to start taking off Naruto's mask before his hand was yanked away.

"Hey, dark Zetsu don't you think this is a bit like rape?" "no, shut up white Zetsu" Naruto was relieved, thank kami Pein had told Zetsu to follow them. "Sorry black Zetsu" "but seriously we caught Sasuke about to rape Menma!" White Zetsu cried.

"I was not about to rape him!" Sasuke shouted at them and yanked his arm away, giving Naruto enough opening to kick him off. Naruto stood up and dusted himself off, Ignoring them both (or all if we wanted to count both Zetsu's) and quickly going to sleep. He decided to just ignore Sasuke in the morning.

"That's what rapists say" White Zetsu resorted, which made a vein pop out on Sasuke's forehead.

"I only wanted to see under his mask!" Sasuke yelled back. "What are you two idiots even doing here anyway? this is a mission for me and Menma!" He glared shark pointy daggers at Zetsu.

"Pein asked us to spectate the mission and step in if anything happened...and well something happened" "and you continue to conversate with the prisoner" Black Zetsu mentally rolled his eye, annoyed that he had a complete idiot for a partner. "He's not a prisoner! He's a member of the Akatsuki now!" "prisoner" "member!" "you're worse than that idiot Tobi"

"Will you two shut the fuck up?!" Sasuke grumbled and laid down to sleep.

Closer to the leaf village, the next day:

The entire trip to Konoha was silent, neither of them said anything. The only thing that was heard was the stomps of sandals against the bark of trees and the wind rustling from the sound of them speeding through the forest. They hadn't spoken to each other since the night before and they were cool with it. It would smooth over the incident Sasuke caused. Zetsu had hidden somewhere, preferring not to be seen. "When we reach close enough, I want you to sneak into the Hokage's office and force her to tell everyone the truth about your clan, using your sharingan. I have other matters to attend to" Naruto told Sasuke, to which he nodded and continued ahead of Naruto. He didn't bother asking Naruto what the other matters were because he knew he'd never tell him. Sasuke sighed as he thought about what he felt for the masked man. It felt as if he was in love, and he could admit that he was. He had fallen so hard for the boy that he broke all his bones and was paralyzed from the head down. He had a pretty good idea as to why he was feeling this now. It was because he reminded him of Naruto. The idiotic dobe he once knew and called his 'friend'.

Sasuke's pov:

It would be nice if Menma was mine. But I had a plan, Uchiha never back down from something they want and they always ended up with the thing they wanted no matter how they got it. After Konoha was gone, I will take him around and show him places. The longer the time we spent alone together the more he will fall for me and he'll finally be mine. Then maybe he could show me who he really was. After all, Pein gave us time before we needed to come back to the hideout. I'll use this time to make Menma fall for me and submit to me.

When I successfully make it into the hokage's office, she looks at me oddly wondering how and when I got in the room. It seemed as if she was having a mission with the elders at the moment. "The Uchiha!" one of them yelled, clearly spooked by my blood-red eyes.

"Sasuke? You're back-" Lady Tsunade had started speaking but I silenced her by throwing a kunai right next to her, letting it penetrate the wall.

"Call an emergency meeting for all the shinobi and civilians to meet outside the library. NOW!" I demanded, not leaving any room for talk-back. She nodded and called what I could assume to be Shikamaru to call the meeting. Once everyone was outside, I had tied them all to chairs (the elders) I let Tsunade stand free because she had nothing to do with this. "I have everyone here today to announce my brothers' innocence!" I called out into the crowd of about 100 people, all of my old 'friends' we're confused that I was even back, much less wearing an akatsuki cloak. No matter, they no longer matter to me.

"What is this about you Uchiha?" One of the elders asked, hatred leaking from his voice. I decided HE would be the one to prove that Itachi is innocent.

I smiled as I use my sharingan on him for the truth, the stupid fat old man didn't try to even look away from me, how the hell did he become in such a high rank? "You there, tell the people if the slaughter of the Uchiha clan was forced onto my brother!" I yelled and he almost immediately replied, perks of the sharingan.

"The slaughter of the clan was all the 3rd hokage's idea Itachi Uchiha was to murder his entire clan and leave Sasuke Uchiha alive" I smirk at this. Whenever he finished talking, I took my katana, channeled chidori through it, and murdered all the elders. Making the crowd gasp. "Very well then, ill be on my way" and in a puff of smoke, I was gone.

I appeared near the entrance to the leaf, where I would find a waiting Menma. "I have finished" I confirmed to him, I assumed he had completed his business.

"Okay now let's return-" I knew what he was going to say so I stopped him.

"Yeah no I dont want to go back now, we still have two weeks before we need to anyway"

Normal pov:

Naruto was confused as to what Sasuke was hinting at, and why couldn't they go back to the hideout? "I want to show you a place, it's not too far from here. Only 14 hours by foot" Sasuke added, really hoping he would say yes. Naruto sighed and nodded his head in agreement. "Hn follow me then" Sasuke felt ecstatic, he finally had a chance to make Naruto acknowledge him.

14 hours later they had arrived at a beautiful meadow run. "This is nice I suppose" Naruto rolled his eyes. Of course, this bastard would take him to a place like this. "Great now let's go" He started to walk away before his arm was grabbed.

"I know you want to stay" Sasuke said. "Will you at least talk to me?"

"About?" Naruto rolled his eyes again.

"Why do you act like you hate me?"

"I do not."

Sasuke scoffed "yeah sure whatever"


"I didn't stutter did I?"

"No, I suppose not"

Naruto continued walking, yanking his arm away from Sasuke's grip.

They walked in silence, much like before. Sasuke's thoughts were rambling him he had no idea why Menma didn't harbor any feelings for him. He was hot right? I mean back in konaha he had so many fangirls he couldn't count them all! 'Maybe Menma is straight...' He shook off that thought. Deidara had told him Menma was gayer than gay. Then again Deidara was with Itachi so he didn't really know if that counted. Maybe I should look around his room when he's gone. To check...he might have a picture of his face. He smirked a little at his new plan since the last one clearly failed.

When they finally made it back to the hideout they noticed the silence. 

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