Danzo must die- or...whatever

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 "What the hell do you want from me?!" Sasuke yanked his wrists free from zetsu and spots Itachi "YOU!!" he tried once again powering up his chidori but it failed.

"Calm down Sasuke, we only want to talk. Take a seat please?" pein said once again, remaining calm.

Sasuke, however, ignored every word he said. His angered eyes remained on Itachi. "Menma"

Naruto stood up at his master's words and walked over to Sasuke, the 'anbu' mask still covering his face. Naruto pushed Sasuke into a chair and he conjured up his chakra to create the Uzumaki clan's signature jutsu.

"adamantine sealing chains!!" he had chained Sasuke to a chair, making it almost impossible for him to get free. "Done" he muttered as he sat down.

"Thank you, menma" pein grumbles and begun to speak "as you know Sasuke, we are the Akatsuki. We are also looking for all of the nine-tailed beasts. And to collect them all, I need companions. Strong shinobi who are brave enough to leave their village and take on evil nin jobs. I was recently informed that you murdered our former akatsuki member Orochimaru

"Will you get on with it?!" Sasuke shouted at pein, interrupting him from speaking. Naruto narrowed his eyes at Sasuke and tightened the chains around his neck

"you will not interrupt!!!" he barked out. Sasuke gasped and tried to loosen the chains. "

Menma, I would like it if you didn't kill him" Itachi stood up and put his hand on naruto's shoulder.

"but he just-"

"it's fine, he won't talk until he's spoken to, ok?" Itachi removed his hand and sat back down, as well as naruto. He also loosened the chains.

Sasuke gasped out and glared at the guy called 'menma' the guy who took out sakura without barely lifting a finger. Granted, she was weak anyway so it didn't really count. Itachi just soothed him! How could a cold-blooded killer act so kind to one another!?

"As I was saying...we want to recruit you, join the akatsuki" pein finished speaking as if to let Sasuke know he could speak now.

"Join...? Why would I want to join this stupid group?! Gathering all the tailed beasts has nothing to do with me!" Sasuke growled out every single word with venom.

"Oh, maybe you will after your main goal no longer any use to you" everyone looked at pein confused at what he meant.

"What?" Sasuke eyed him and Itachi spoke next.

"Perhaps I should explain...he is my little brother after all" he sighed before explaining everything, the true reason behind slaughtering his entire clan how he joined the akatsuki in the meantime of Sasuke getting stronger, strong enough to kill him, how the hidden leaf had ordered him to do it all as well. As he finished Sasuke looked baffled, he didn't believe a word this bastard had to say. He killed his family and said he did it for practice, and he expects him to believe the hidden leaf made him do it?!

"BULLSHIT" he shouted and a soft 'oop' came from Deidara. "YOU HONESTLY EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT BULLSHIT?! YOU SAID YOU KILLED THE CLAN FOR YOUR OWN COLD REASONS! SO DO NOT try and pin it on something else-" he was interrupted by a slap right across his face.

"Foolish little brother. Allow me to finish before you go off like an angry wild rabid animal." Itachi did a few hand signs and a fairly beaten up and broken Danzo appeared right next to him "if you want to know if I'm telling the truth, ask him. This is Danzo"

Sasuke's pov:

I look at Danzo, honestly not sure of what to do, all I know about Danzo was that he's the leader of the foundation. A darker anbu force.

"W-what do you want from me now you uchiha brat?!" Danzo cowered back, probably shaking from being released from his hell hole of a cell "why couldn't you just let that nine-tailed brat kill me all those years ago?!"

"Itachi w-why isn't he dead?!" Menma growled and started to activate a huge jutsu to throw at Danzo before he was brutally thrown against a wall by my big brother.

"Not now menma, let Sasuke question him and take him down." Itachi never once looked up from his gaze at Danzo.


"He's right menma, how about you sit back down by Deidara, for now, ok?" the chains holding me down by menma were taken away so I was able to get up, the ones zetsu put on me, however, were still intact.

their leader seems to have a soft spot for menma...who is this guy anyway?! Whatever it doesn't matter who he is. "Danzo, did you have any part in the Uchiha slaughtering?" I walk in front of Itachi so I could look Danzo in his eyes.

"what- no i-"

"Tell the truth."

"Fine. yes, I informed the third Hokage that killing all the Uchiha would be of great use to the leaf. I gave him the choice to either kill you with the Uchiha or without." Danzo started to laugh like the cold-hearted bastard he was. "Being the hokage and pushing the stupid third out of the way was my one and only goal. Uchiha scum had nothing to do with me"

"Un, that's not art" someone said from behind me.

You mean to tell me...he killed off my entire clan thinking it would get him closer to becoming hokage?! "Take these cuffs off me." Itachi complied without a single word. "Chidori!!" my chidori pierced right through danzo, killing him.

"Well then, now that's done. How about you join us Sasuke?" the leader stood up.

"Fine, I will join. And I will destroy the hidden leaf village"

"Good. you share the same goal as my companion menma, im pein" 'pein' bow to me before handing me what I assume to be an akatsuki cloak. Menma wants to destroy the leaf too...? Speaking of menma, where was he? 

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