Menma uzumaki?

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Sasuke was currently still inside of Konohagakure, visiting his parent's grave as he usually did when he lived in Konohagakure. Only now he wasn't tearing up as he had always done back then. He was sure no one wouldn't see him since no one ever came to the Uchiha grounds. Either they were too scared to visit a ghosted village or they just didn't care about the place. Sasuke sighed as he took his hood off. So they're holding the jonin exams here again....? Maybe I should sign up. Get my training back going. Then, I look for naruto. It still shocked him that the blond just up and left the village he claimed to love so much. He always went on and on about becoming Hokage and making people respect him and so on. The thought that Naruto left to look for him crossed his mind once, but for three years? That thought didn't seem like it made sense, so Sasuke dismissed it.

Orochimaru had soon realized the obsession Sasuke had with naruto and almost began to worry. But of course, it was Orochimaru so he didn't. Kabuto, however, kept bugging Sasuke about it. Asking and asking if Sasuke was in love with the stupid obnoxious blond which Sasuke denied every time. Sasuke sighed and left the Uchiha grounds and put his hood back on. Soon he thought soon my clan will be avenged and I will have my revenge on Itachi. He still wondered why Itachi could be so heartless. He had no idea what Sasuke was going through right now. However it was the other way around, Sasuke had no idea what Itachi was going through.

Sasuke sighed and walked to his old home to rest the night I guess I should just sleep until the morning...

Time for the jonin exams

"Are you sure I look ok Itachi...?" 

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(in case you don't know what menma looks like)

naruto pulled on his now jet black hair and looked at his painted nails and covered fox-like whiskers. "Yes, you look fine. Now, remember, your name is menma Uzumaki and you came here so you could look for your lost twin brother. Also, wear this for extra caution" Naruto nods when Itachi hands him a mask that kinda resembles the kind anbu wear and he looks at Itachi "I won't fail you Itachi!" He says with great certainty. Itachi had also given him some new clothing, of course, naruto was a bit bummed he couldn't wear his Akatsuki cloak but...It was for the mission. Itachi gives him a warm smile before jumping off the roof he was on.

Ok...I'm assuming the jonin exams are held where the chunin exams were. Naruto takes a deep breath, hoping his old 'pals' were either already jonin or didn't want to compete so he wouldn't have to go against them and could get through this quickly.

Once he finally landed he signed his name in and went to go sit on the bleachers to wait for this first fight. After about 20 minutes, another hooded figure sat two rows beneath him. Is he competing..? Naruto wondered. He shrugged it off and looked at the middle of the stadia "WELCOME, SHINOBI FROM ALLLLLL LANDS! TODAY'S FIRST OPONETS AREEE-" god this guy is really annoying, who even needs to yell that loud???

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