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"Hello?" Naruto called out but only got silence as a reply. Where was everyone? When Naruto tried to create a rasengan for light, his arm was grabbed by a taller figure.

"You're back." A deep and menacing voice implied. It had Naruto shivering, having no idea who's voice this is. "I suppose It's time"

"Who are you!?" Naruto shouted. Sasuke activated his sharingan and looked over Naruto's way.

"That does not matter" The voice quickly knocked him Naruto. Sasuke's eyes widened and he began to create his susanoo (courtesy of his big brother's teachings) before he was stopped by Itachi.

"Do not interfere Sasuke. This does not concern you, little brother" Itachi said, grabbing Sasuke's arm and pulling him away. "I need you to stay in your room until I come back. Do not make me have to put you back in the cells" He turned down the hall.

"No! What are you going to do to Menma?!" He struggled against his aniki's grip. It didn't matter he needed to get back to his beloved. When Itachi did not reply, Sasuke took it upon himself to create a chidori to at least stun his brother for a little while. This however had no effect. Itachi threw Sasuke into his room and closed the door.

"I will be back soon, please rest. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow" Itachi said in fluent monotone. Sasuke watched as Itachi did a few hand signs, when he finished the door slammed shut.

"Itachi!!" He tried to pound on the door but he was thrown back by a firewall that appeared when anyone got too close "NO!" Because he was underground, there were no windows. The ground wasn't dense enough to break and he had no other options. "Damn it!"

With the akatsuki and the gedo statute.

"What is this?!" Naruto screamed as Pein grabbed his arm.

"You didn't honestly think that we would continue this little charade, did you?" He said.

"We need the nine tails, and we'll take it from you dead or alive. Fighting us will be for not in the end" Naruto had no idea who's voice this was. It didn't sound like anyone he knew. "Now it is time for the final tailed-beast extraction. Naruto noticed he was being led to the extraction statue. Which only meant one thing.


"Naruto Uzumaki was it? Leaf shinobi, also the vessel for the kyuubi." Naruto scowled at the figure outside of his cell. First, he was yelled at by his teammate, then he was confronted by that idiot Danzo, and now he was locked in a cell by the akatsuki, who said they weren't looking for them! 'Gee who would have thought Itachi was a liar'

"What do you want from me? I won't let you get the kyuubi" Naruto stated.

"Do not worry, that is not what you are here for Uzumaki." The figure said. "We wanted to ask if you would like to join the akatsuki. If you are on our side, we will not need to extract the tailed beast from you. We can provide you: training, food, shelter, and we can teach you how to control that beast of yours."

Naruto pondered for a moment 'what do you think Kurama?'

I think it's a lie.

'So I shouldn't join?'

Do what you want kit.

"How do I know you aren't lying to me?"

"Well simple, I'm the leader of this group. As well as a relative." Naruto stared, confused. "I can see your confusion. See, during the 3rd great ninja war, the Uzumaki clan's members were either killed or scattered around."

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