naruto is- what now?

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4 years later

“I will be taking my leave now Orochimaru, your power has gained me at least a bit close to Itachi’s. I no longer need your assistance, goodbye” Sasuke placed his Kitana behind him as it always rested after finally beating Orochimaru he thinks he’ll wait a little longer before he goes to kill Itachi like he originally planned to do but he now thinks he will need a bit of help. 

Sasuke has finally made it to the village hidden in the leaves. Was he ready to see his old classmates and sensei? No, but if he was going to restore his clan this is the only way. Of course, he would have to conceal his chakra presence, he was still a rouge ninja and a criminal so if he just waltzed through the gates he would have been spotted and taken into custody. Since he grew up in Konoha the barrier surrounding it wouldn’t be disturbed by his presence. It was a bit strange being here after all these years, nothing really changed. Some places looked rebuilt and there was a couple of new buildings here and there.

 What really surprised him was that everyone was so was never this way before he had left. Usually, people were arguing or yelling at someone. This wasn’t the case today, today people were handing out free food..some kids were even playing a small game of hopscotch. “Hello, would you like to try some of my food pills stranger? I’m thinking about selling them and i-” a random woman walked up to Sasuke, obviously annoying him (boy his attitude hasn’t changed a bit)  he hadn’t even gotten to look at her face before he just walked away “I’m busy” he only said, his words laced with a BIT of restrained annoyance  “please it will only take a quick second!” he internally growled and turned around “fine but…” then he saw it...Sakura Haruno his old teammate from team 7.

She didn’t look any different, to be honest, her figure is a bit wider now but she still looks the same. Her height wasn’t a surprise to him, she had always been a tall woman. “S-Sasuke?” Crap...she recognized him. “You’re back…” she looked at the ground, Sasuke thought she would have jumped on him by now as she had used to “look sakura, where is naruto?!” he wasn’t taking any chances, he needed to leave before Kakashi suddenly popped up out of nowhere and made his day longer. “N-naruto?” he felt the way she tensed when he mentioned his name. She looked...guilty? “H-he’s gone” gone like...dead? “He left the village 4 years ago...we have no idea if he’s dead or alive and its..” “it’s all my fault” 

She had burst into tears, nearly dropping the basket of food pills she had. “Naruto...left the village? Did he leave to find me? No...if that was it he would have been found me its been four years..” “Did he leave anything before he left?” she shook her head no “maybe I should go to his apartment...there could be clues” “I’m sorry Sakura but I have to go do not tell anyone you saw me or ill come and kill you” he jumped up and ran towards naruto, ignoring the scream sakura had created calling after him. He knew it was harsh to say that but he didn’t have any feelings toward Sakura, she had always been a nuisance to him nothing more. And people who are burdens dont get pity the way Sasuke sees it. When he finally arrived at naruto’s old dingy excuse for an apartment he stepped inside. “It looks completely untouched...have anbu been through here? If they had they were strangely neat” the only thing broken was a picture frame..” wait a minute that’s the picture team 7 took after the chunin looks like it was thrown at the wall. Did naruto do this? Why would he, could it be linked to why he left? And why sakura said it was her fault?? Whatever it was I need to find out”

“Come on Deidara! Why won’t you train with me and Tobi?” naruto was practically begging, he had gotten training from everyone except Deidara, even ZETSU trained him! “Because you insult art way too much and I tell you all the time that it’s an awesome explosion!” naruto pouted “stop it...why are you looking at me like that” his lip quivered “STOP” “pweaseeeee” Naruto knew how much Deidara fell to his puppy dog eyes, practically everyone did. “Ugh fine. 5 am tomorrow be awake and outside” he flipped his hair in naruto’s face and walked away “YES! Heheheh, Tobi Tobi! He said yes!” naruto ran to the masked guy sitting in his room, feeding his pet turtle “Woah that’s so cool cool cool! Deidara usually never gives in- how did ya do it? Tell me tell me!” the two of them had grown to be best friends since naruto had joined the Akatsuki, he had also regained the emotion that was torn from him before he had joined he was happier than he had ever been. The Akatsuki gave him something he never thought he would get in his wildest dreams, a family. “Naruto, we have a mission” Itachi stood soundly at the door “ok! Sorry Tobi, ill tell you about it when we come back ok? “ he laughed like an idiot before he ran out of the room.

“So what kind of mission do we have today Itachi?” Naruto, Itachi, and Kisame had been heading towards the land of fire and naruto felt a been a bit on edge since he had never wanted to come back to this place. “We are going to recruit my little brother, Sasuke but since we have no intel on his whereabouts we will have to get some from the hidden leaf” naruto was baffled, Sasuke? As in Sasuke Uchiha? The same Sasuke that wants to kill Itachi? Why….why are we recruiting him. “Why Sasuke…” naruto looked at the ground “naruto, pain finds Sasuke powerful, meaning he could be a great use to the Akatsuki” “but he’s nothing but a traitor! He wouldn’t be a use to anyone! And have you forgotten he wants to kill you Itachi?!” he was fuming. No, he doesn’t hate Sasuke but he doesn’t want Itachi to die! “Calm down naruto, you seriously think that brat could kill Itachi?” Kisame was currently feeding samahada . “well no but if he’s been training with Orochimaru then there is a chance-” “enough naruto” Itachi had just enough of his rambling, he was also sure Sasuke would try to attack him, yes but Sasuke couldn’t kill him. He didn’t have enough rage just yet. Naruto only sighed and looked at the ground again “fine then. I’ll kill Sasuke myself if he even laid a and on Itachi. “How do we even get him to join..” he kept his eyes on the ground  “well apparently pain said we tell him the truth about the Uchiha clan, that way he would hate the hidden leaf” “hate the hidden- wait why would he want that? Nagito- i mean pain what are you thinking… it’s my plan to destroy the hidden leaf” “well I guess if they tell him, he wouldn’t try and kill Itachi so it wouldn’t be that bad” 


What do you want

“Grumpy today?”


“Ok ok, I just wanted  to know if you wanted to let me use your chakra during the training with Deidara whenever I get back” 

Fine...just let me sleep

“You’re the best!” 


Naruto could only laugh at his old fox friend.

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