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Naruto, Sasuke, and Tobi all sat on the roof of the kazekage's office, waiting for just the right moment to strike. It had been two weeks since they had arrived in suna. Gaara was soon to return and that would be when they would take him dead or alive.

"This is boring...he's not even here! And I'm hungry!" Tobi groaned and shook Naruto who was just as hungry as he was.

"I too but we need to stay here just in case." Naruto sighed and rubbed his poor growling stomach.

"Good thing I brought a granola bar" Tobi took something out of his pocket.

"Hey! Share that!" Naruto reached for it, missing and falling on his face.

"Nuh-uh! This is mine, you should have thought ahead!" Tobi smiled and took a toad out of his pocket and fed him some of the granola bar. A huge vein popped up on naruto's forehead and he started growling, not that anyone could see though.

"SO YOU FEED THE BASTARD TOAD BUT NOT ME?!" Naruto reached for the toad and threw it off the roof.

"ANTONIO!!" Tobi cried and reached for the toad even though it had already fallen "you killed him!!" He pointed sadly at Naruto.

"Tch, he was going to die anyway from that granola!" Naruto and Tobi began to tussle and Sasuke had enough.

"Would you two calm down and shut up?! Gaara is back and I swear if I have to explain to Itachi that I failed this mission because of a fucking frog I swear I'm ripping your toenails out and putting them in your soup!" Sasuke yanked them both from each other and activated his sharingan.



"It's a toad, not a frog" Naruto giggled and pointed at Sasuke.

"Hehehe toenails" Tobi started giggling with Naruto like the immature children-like-men they were.

Sasuke glared at them and they shut up immediately. Naruto looked over the ledge and saw Gaara talking to his brother, kankuro and he started to gain his composure back "wow Gaara looks great...I wonder how he's been! Naruto that isn't important."

"You think he's alive? The leaf never said that he was actually dead. They only said he left" Kankuro looked at his baby brother. "Besides, the akatsuki have been looking out for more of the tailed beasts, I got news saying they captured the 2 tails already. So we need to keep you on high surveillance." Kankuro sighed and looked at his brother who wasn't even panicking. "You should get some rest Gaara...goodnight" kankuro patted Gaara's shoulder and left for his home.

"Naruto...." Gaara softly whispered. When the news hit suna about naruto's death Gaara had taken it pretty hard, he cried for the first time in a long time that night. He often wondered what Naruto was doing....wherever he was. Maybe he was happy with his parents since he never got to meet them.

"So....the plan?"

"Right we never really got to go over one..."

"It's fine I have an idea, you guys stay up here though"

"Okay now's my chance" Naruto jumped down in front of Gaara.

"The akatsuki assume?" Gaara knew they were above him, he just waited for them to strike. He knew he'd be able to beat them despite their levels of ninjutsu.

"Hello again, Gaara" Naruto quickly took off his mask, showing his face to Gaara. While Gaara stood there shocked, Naruto took the time to walk up to him and place a hand on his chest.

"And here I thought the kazekage wouldn't go down this easily" Naruto placed his mask back onto his face, he grabbed Gaara and he left out of the kazekage office.

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