Master of Demons II

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"Now then, what are your true feelings to this matter?"


There was a good 5-second pause before one of the demon maids replied.

"Your majesty, may I request one thing?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Would it be alright... if we spoke without restraint...?"

That'd be the best course of action, actually. The two seem so professional at being a maid that I was concerned that they were going to mince their words one way or another.

Plus, it seems like the two talked to each other before this. I think they've already made their decision.

"All right, feel free to express your opinion in whatever way you want. Don't hold back on me."

The two demon maids' faces tense up slightly, they both looked at each other before turning back to me.

"To be honest, we both feel reluctant in being under you."

Mizari spoke without restraint indeed, no punches pulled, good.

"Wait, don't say it like that! He's going to misunderstand!"

Rain, although she seemed to be a diligent maid in front of the public eye, her real personality is quite different.

"It's fine, I understand why you'd be reluctant in serving me just like that."

"What we meant to say is—"

"Our feelings of loyalty were always directed towards Lord Guy. In that, we feel like all we've done so far have been all for nothing."

"...Yes, Mizari is exactly right. Ever since we lost to Lord Guy, we had dedicated ourselves to serving him. So being told to serve someone else is the same as our efforts being denied."

Hmm, I didn't expect them to be this open with me. Still, it's nice to know that at least two of the 7 primordial demons have decent personalities, unlike the rest of their peers...

Crap, why am I starting to feel like somethings going to pop up out of nowhere.

"So, I'll take that as you actually don't want to serve me?"

"N-no! We'd still be honored to serve someone such as yourself." Rain replied.

"And? Are you going to choose to work for me half-heartedly?"

"No! It's nothing like that–"

"Under Lord Guy's orders, we were told to serve you. So we don't have much of a choice do we?"


Quite the blunt person now, are we? Well, I don't mind in the slightest, in fact, it's quite surprising to see this side of the two. I've always had formal interactions with these two so seeing them like this is quite refreshing.

"Please be at ease, miss Rain, I don't mind her way of words."

"I-I see, thank you for your forgiveness!"

Besides. It's too obvious.

For a while, like our conversation earlier, we had begun to exchange words back and forth. At the start, it was just like a conversation with someone you just met. 

It's quite a relief, in all honesty, I thought they would still be somewhat formal with me. 

Our talk came about in a manner that you'd have with someone you met online, and just met each other in real life.

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