Life or Death

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3 days has passed since Ifrit escaped from within Shizue, during those 3 days, Veldora returned 

"Rimuru, I have returned with the ogres"

"Veldora, that was quick, give me a report as to what happened while you were there"


"So the orcs really did attack them at the middle of the night, that is quite a problem"

"Rimuru, aren't they moving faster than what you told me?"

"Hmm, I don't really know about that, I'm not quite aware when this all started"

"I see, hmm Rimuru, those ogres are looking at our direction"

"They are, and more on me tho"

'Do they want to talk?, if that's what they want I could do that'

As Rimuru start to approach the ogres, the ogres got anxious the more Rimuru got close. The ogres raised their guards against Rimuru, however Rimuru easily swept those feelings away.

"No need to be so tense and defensive, I'm not gonna lay a finger on you guys" 

The ogres unconsciously eased themselves because of the man before them, the ogres were in awe of the being before them, no words could explain the amount of ecstasy they felt as they tremble to the point of them kneeling down unconsciously but happily.

'This man, why do I feel so... peaceful at his presence, it's almost as if the orc attack never happened'

Six particular ogres thought that they needed to serve this man no matter what. They also felt eternal protection just by knowing he's there right in front of him.

'What, why are they suddenly kneeling, is it because Veldora is here?, beats me. Anyway I can confirm that Benimaru and the others are safe'

"So can you explain what exactly happened?, I would like to know if it's okay with you"

"Yes, that is fine, the others need to know about this too"

"Well then, come here, oh and bring six representatives along with you"




'It's currently noon, our meeting with the ogre clan began. He explained that in the middle of the night, the orcs attacked their settlement, and a majin also came with them. He described the majin has an angry looking mask on. I knew who this guy was talking about obviously, but I couldn't just outright say that, they might get suspicous if I said I know the majin they're talking about'

'Veldora was sitting next to me, but somehow they managed to be composed knowing he's here. Btw, the six ogres he brought with him are of course as I had predicted, were Benimaru, Shuna, Shion, Souei, Hakurou, Kurobe.'

"So, what do you plan on doing know?, the orcs have gotten more powerful since they attacked you"

"What, how can that be!"

"Simple, orcs normally are weaker than ogres, it would be unnatural for them to attack a stronger race, so I suspect that an orc lord has been born."

"A-an orc lord?!"

"Yes, that is conclusion I made after witnessing everything for myself"

"An orc lord... if it attacked our village will it attack others too?"

"Precisely, but I have an offer for you ogres"

"An offer?"

"Yes do you want to know what it is"


"I take that as a yes, my offer is be my subordinates. The contract will last only until the orc lord has been defeated"

"We accept!"

"Hold on, this matter isn't for you to decide my son"

"Father, this is my decision, i won't involve all of us, but please let me serve this man"

"....All right, I'll let you choose who you are coming with"

"Thank you father"

'They're almost alike now that I look closely, moreover I didn't think they'd serve me at all. I was expecting a more rebellious reaction, but I guess I was wrong'

"All right, take you're time, no need to rush, just talk to me if you need more time"

Rimuru proceeded to head to Shizue's tent. As Rimuru walked in, he saw Shizue waking up.

"Shizue-san, you're awake"

"Yes but not for long"


'I couldn't say anything back at those words, I knew what was going to happen to her. Yet I didn't want it to happen, so I unconsciously said these words'

"Tell me... what do you wish to do now?"

"Quite a question there hehe, by the looks on you're face it seems my death is near"

"That's... yes I can't hide it from you"

'Dammit, I don't want to experience this again!, I've already seen her die once now I'm gonna see her die twice'

"I think, I want to live" Shizue exclaimed

To Rimuru's surprise he wasn't expecting this, no he wanted this he just couldn't bear to see her die again

"Do... you really mean that?"

"Yes, from the bottom of my heart"

'Ciel, can you do it?'

[Yes, but it will be difficult, her rampaging energy isn't a problem anymore, but it's her lifespan that's troubling]

'Her lifespan eh, as I recall I had a certain skill that dominated time and space'

[Precisely, however... it doesn't quite work like that, however I have finished analyzing Chloe's Ultimate skill, I have prepared for this Master]

'Ciel, thank you, from the bottom of my heart'

"Now then, I will grant you're wish Shizue, you may request me for help at anytime should you encounter problems"

"Yes, thank you... It's truly a blessing to have met you"

And like that, Shizue was healed, her lifespan was still a humans but due to Ciel, Her lifespan went to back to her twenties.



"I assume, you have made you're decision?"

"Yes, allow me to formally introduce myself"

"Ah, before that, let me give you something to prove that I'm you're master"

"What is it, Lord Rimuru"

"I'll give you names"


"But, naming us comes with risks!, please do not-"

"We, accept"


"Good, now you're names will be from now on are-"

Just like that, They were back, Rimuru thought. While this was going on, A number of Demon Lords noticed something off about the Great Forest of Jura. They didn't act immediately, instead waited out what would happen.

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