Fairy Queen part 2

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Note: I have read many feedback's about this fanfic. I heard them all, and I would like to respond accordingly. This particular problem is commonly mentioned, you guys have said that the story's pacing is too rushed. So, the next few chapter is for that reason, I would love it if you would tell me how it's gonna go.

Also, about the poor writing skills of mine. That I cannot immediately improve on, as I have little to no experience aside from this particular book.

With that out of the way, hope you enjoy.


In the northern continent, where the lands were frozen, uninhabitable, without any signs of life whatsoever. 

There lies a demon lord, the powerful overlord named Guy Crimson. 

As he sits on his throne, wondering about the recent events that took place for the past few months. While remaining composed on the outside, in his mind, his emotions run rampant. 

Even his subordinates were getting tense, Guy's behavior was getting them all riled up. 

Detecting such a commotion, Guy makes up his mind on something. He stands up ready to leave his castle. Before he left, Velzard, Veldora's older sister, asked him what's on his mind.

"Is something the matter Guy? You're usually not this hesitant on something."

"You noticed? Huh? Well, there's this problem I'm facing."

"Oh, and here I thought that you would never even have problems in the first place."

"That's the problem, I usually don't have problems. But this is not something that even I can brush off that easily."

"...Is it because of that slime?"


"How many times have I told you, do not mess with that person!"

Guy was aware of Velzard's constant warnings, he spared the mind the pay attention to some of them. There was a time where he wondered why would Velzard warn him that much, does she know who he is, or is it just that she was simply concerned about him those were the thoughts he had back then.

I'm as equally as cautious as you towards that person, but you have to know, that there will be a time that I'll cross paths with that slime once again. That's why I'd like to know this person before that time comes.

"Tell me, why do you have such a negative impression of him?"

"That's... fine, I'll tell you, it's because of the familiar feeling that I keep getting from him."

"What did you just say...?"

"It's just as it sounds, I feel a familiar feeling towards him, it felt as if he was kin."

"Kin you say? That is not what I was expecting to hear. All the more reason for me to hold Walpurgis."

"Don't you need 2 other demon lords for that to happen?"

"That's why I'm going out for a bit, I'll be back right after."

Oh Guy, why are you so stubborn, I'm sure you noticed it too. That even you could not fight that slime to the death expecting to come out on top. Yet I feel like that will never happen, this feeling, it's strange.

But you are who you are, I have no right to stop you.


After safely saving the kids, Shizue asked me a favor, that she wanted to take care of them personally. Of course I couldn't say no, in fact, she didn't even need to ask me. She was their teacher originally after all.

As far as Leon's beat up session is concerned, that will have to wait until she is ready to do so. I'll have to turn down Guy.

But that interaction from yesterday meant that Diablo successfully relayed my message to him. All I have to do is wait until it comes.

Souei gave me constant reports on Tempest's condition while I was here, I gave him this order before I departed with Shizue.

I can't afford to endanger them all again, not even the slightest bit will do.


Ramiris kept pestering me about the magi-soldier earlier this morning. Geez, why do you have to be so loud first thing in the morning.

"Like I said, give me that magi-soldier back!!!"

"Alright alright! But I have a proposal to make."

"What it is now?"

"In exchange for that magi-soldier, I'll give you a better servant."

Her eyes widen in excitement, right, at this point in time, Ramiris had no servants. Obviously she'd be excited to know about getting a servant.

"Are you sure!?"

"Yes, 100% sure."

"Then it's a deal!"

I immediately pulled out the same body parts that Beretta used to have. Albeit now, it has a stronger material that was used to make it. Ciel prepared this all in advance, she's really a step ahead of me every time.

Now, I just need to make sure I summon the right demon, should be a piece of cake with Ciel here.


"Greetings Master, what can I do for you?"

"Simple, I need you to take over that demon doll that I've prepared for you. I'll give you some of my magicules, and a name for the contract."

"Right away my liege."

"Then you will now be known as Beretta, your purpose is to mainly serve her."

I point at Ramiris, who's currently fidgeting like a little kid that's getting gifted with a toy that they always wanted. 

"Hello! I'm Ramiris, glad to be in your care."

"Lady Ramiris, it is an honor to be under your care."

It seems that Beretta is accepting this well. I'll transfer the master privilege to Ramiris, it looks like things are going well.


'Lord Rimuru, the humans are beginning their movement, there's a whole bunch of them too. It looks like they're planning for an invasion just as you have predicted.'

'Already? That's sooner than I had expected, alright, great work Testarossa'

'Please, Lord Rimuru has done the important things already, my job was only to follow behind Lord Rimuru while keeping an eye on pests.'

If you're wondering where was Testarossa the whole journey, I told her to follow behind us since Shizue was here with me. 

Originally, I was planning on making Testarossa gather information with me. But seeing as Shizue is with us now, that changed. 

I ordered her to follow us behind in the shadows instead, while we stop at each town we could, she would gather intel. Moss wasn't around this time, so she was the one doing the work instead, I felt bad and tried to help but...

'No no no, please do not expend your precious time on these humans. I'm fairly motivated to do this, so you do not need to mind me your grace.'

She stopped me before I could actually do a single thing. I'll need to get them their subordinates asap, they're kinda overworking themselves right now.

"Oh hey, Guy announced that Walpurgis will be held 2 weeks from now."

Oh ho ho ho, that's sooner than I thought. The movement of the humans, the date of Walpurgis, it's a perfect schedule should I say.

I'll make the most of this 'perfect schedule' and give Clayman one hell of a time.


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