Clash III

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"What are we going to do, Hinata-sama?"

"Those knights aren't stopping at all, even if we mention your name."

Hinata had proposed to Rimuru that she would try to stop the knights. However, her efforts have been in vain. Hinata sent her subordinates out to give the word that she was there, trying to settle things with Rimuru.

Not by the means of fighting, of course.

But little to no knights even as much glanced towards them, let alone listen to their pleads.

When they finally got a reply, some of them grew anxious.

"If what you people say is really true, then she should show herself to us."

The respondent looked stern and convinced that they weren't buying their words.

Flash forward to now, Hinata was convinced that this would become a troublesome problem.

Why would low-ranked knights like them move on their own, against a country of monsters at that? No wait, I shouldn't assume that their intentions are to wage war against this country. After all, the Stormdragon, Veldora is currently residing here.

Though it's strange, I don't feel its presence at all. Even if it's suppressing its energy, I should be able to sense a powerful individual such as Veldora.  Although...

"This is bad, Hinata-sama. They're not even paying attention to us, with that we can't properly lead them away. And the use of force would just backfire on us, those knights are mostly low-ranking newbies from noble families. If we strike them, they could file complaints that are sure to be sound."

True, while not only did we strike against our own, we essentially tried to stop them from (If I assume so) fighting against monsters. The church has a policy against monsters, so that'd be politically and socially bad.

"What's worse is that they don't know the threats— I-I mean, individuals who reside here. Not only is the ruler a demon lord, but a True Dragon also rests in this very country."

"I see your point, Arno, Gerald. I really do. But as you guys know, those stubborn knights aren't listening closely like five-year-olds. Also, I doubt that the Storm Dragon is currently here. If you get what I mean."

"N-no, what do you mean?" a concerned Fritz responded.

"At first, I was also convinced that the Storm Dragon really was here. I've had some time to confirm my suspicions. I can say that without a doubt, the Storm Dragon is currently not here."

It's nerve-wracking discussing this in front of the monster nation's top-brass, but it must be done.

"But what is this power I sense? Just sensing it gives me a deep fear of death. And it's really really close to us!" shouts a bewildered Ritase.

"Well, I can't really blame you for not knowing..."

"W-well, let's not get too worked up, have some refreshers," replied Rimuru.

"O-oh, thanks."

...Because it's standing right in front of you.


"Ruminas-sama, you called?"

"Oh, Louis, finally you arrived. What took you so long?"

Sitting on her throne, Ruminas who's as elegant as ever, says in a tone heard only by those close to her.

"Please forgive my tardiness, I was a little late because I ran into a troublesome individual."

"Is that so, well, did you take care of it?"

Gesturing to wipe away sweat, Louis responds in an unsure tone, "I wouldn't say I took care of it, rather, I just briefly managed to resist its attacks."

"Oh? It sounds like you've got quite the story, explain it to me in detail."

"Right, of course."

After a detailed explanation.

"....That is... quite troublesome."

"Yes, however, I do not intend to burned Ruminas-sama with the—"

"Quite you, I wasn't asking for your thoughts that time," interrupts Ruminas in an irritated tone. "If we have that powerful of an opponent, I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to defend you all alone."

Ruminas clicks her mouth. With the never-ending war with Dagruel, her focuses would be diverted between solving this new problem or retaliating against Dagruel's advances.

At this point, I might really need help from someone. Though since I've been solitary, I don't really have anyone to come to help to on the octogram. Ugh, if only that stupid Lizard never came to my home, my forces would be far more powerful than Dagruel's if he didn't.

And since Hinata's away, I can't have someone to comfort me with! Ugh, what a pain. Speaking off Hinata...

Ruminas looks at a coffin, and not just any random ordinary one, but a powerful sealed coffin. This coffin contains the body of her beloved. So she always treasures it and places it in the most secure place possible, and that place would be with her.

"*Sigh,* if only you'd awaken, my problems would be long gone right now," muttered Ruminas.

"Excuse me?"

"I wasn't talking to you."


Hmm, what if I talked to Rimuru... Since he does know a lot after all. Plus he keeps that lizard in his place, so maybe...

"Oh, before I forget. Louis, what have those guys been up to?"

By 'those guys,' Ruminas means the Seven Celestial Mages.

"The thing is, they've been really secretive as of lately. Especially Grandbell, who seems to be leading their little gatherings in private."


"When I tried to investigate, a bunch of barriers was blocking me every step of the way. I had no choice but to forcefully invade their privacy since I couldn't contact them. What I found out was rather disturbing, they've been making some plans about attacking the Nation of Monsters."

Ruminas frowns as she hears those words, "Wait what? They've been doing all that behind my back? What delusional plans are they planning on this time?"

Louis bites his lips before continuing to answer.

"The death of Hinata and the destruction of the Nation of Monsters."

Immediately after, Ruminas slams her fists in the arms of the throne. So much so that it generated a huge gust of wind.

"R-Ruminas-sama, please calm yourself down!"

"Explain that to me later when I'm not full of anger. Where are those bastards at? And to think I let them be..."

"Currently, I narrowly tracked them down and they're currently headed for Tempest. Or most of them,  at least, since I couldn't detect all seven."

"That's good enough. I'll eradicate those fools, they've all but lost what little love I had left for them."

"As you wish."


So I know this chapter's short, but I just wanted to say something.

🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Happy 100k reads everyone!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

It's kinda ego-boosting to go on Wattpad and see this number every day. I haven't had milestone celebrations, so I'll do one for 100k reads. Naturally, I appreciate every last one of you, even if you didn't enjoy my story, you definitely helped me reached 100k.

Give me your suggestions on a side chapter so I can make it. Keep in mind that you are free to suggest anything, so long as it can be written theoretically. The most popular suggestion will be adapted.

Once again, thank you for reading this chapter and I hoped you enjoy it!

Next Chapter: 3-4 days.

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