Post-war Celebrations

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Shortly after releasing Tempest, Veldora came to greet us with a proud face.

"See~ didn't I tell you, it would just be fine Rimuru–"

Veldora, not noticing Ruminas, get's sneaked up on and Ruminas squeezes Veldora to death. Just like last time, Veldora's expression shows how much intensity he's going through.

We make eye contact and he pleads for my help, but I just brush it off by playing dumb.

Once Ruminas let's go, Veldora flops head first to the ground, making a 'BANG!' sound effect. Ruminas's mood looks much more relaxed now, great, I can show her around first.

"Want to look around?"

"Yes, that would be most exciting, plus, seeing that overgrown lizard in that pathetic state gives me great joy."

"Well, we're still in the middle of preparing for the post war festival, but I can at least show you around town."

Rimuru shows around Ruminas for quite a while, the only thing keeping Ruminas busy most of the time was the amount of different types of foods. She had never seen any of these types of food in her entire lifetime.

She spends a lot of time savoring each food every time they go into a different store. Soon, Shuna joined in because Rimuru was having trouble of keeping up with her.

'Thanks for the help Shuna, I was beginning to run of out stores to go in, so you making her food really saved me.'

'It was really nothing Lord Rimuru, this is my place of expertise after all.'

"So Ruminas, will you be staying at Tempest for a couple of days? We're planning on holding a long festival."

"Sure, it's not like I have anything to do immediately back home, and Walpurgis is coming up soon."

"Yeah, I'll also be attending there."

"Oh...? Did someone invite you perhaps?"

"Yeah, they kept pestering me on becoming a demon lord. So I decided, why not?"

Ruminas goes into deep thought wondering who would've invited Rimuru, eventually she gives up on thinking and decided to put the matter off for the time being. She couldn't afford to waste her mood at a nice time like this.

"You know... becoming a demon lord in name is not as easy at it sounds."

"I know I know, something about proving my strength according to your rules right? I've already got a plan in mind so you don't have to worry about that."

"I see, then I look forward to seeing you play your tune at Walpurgis. It might be fun watching someone dance to it."

"Hahaha! That's a good one, well, are you gonna be disguising yourself or...?"

"Since a new face will be attending, might as well stop hiding, almost everyone knows me anyway."

As the festival starts, the town began singing Rimuru's praises, which caused Rimuru to be embarrassed of course. He was still talking to Ruminas.

Every single citizen laughing and dancing in harmony, Rimuru congratulates his men. 

During the second night of the festival, he calls for his executives under the disguise of a meeting. But this is just Rimuru giving his executives personal awards.

Rimuru granted them their previous powers, each and every single one of them, using his skill [Skill-Gifting]. He prepared the unique skills each of his subordinates acquired when he evolved into a true demon lord.

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