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"Rimuru-san, I'm ready."

"Great, let's go."

We were travelling on foot as Shizue told me that she wanted to adventure like how she did in the past.

Of course being the kind and good hearted gentleman I was, I naturally accepted her request.

I remember being lost in my own territory once. When I was travelling with Elen and the others. Fun times, although the getting lost part was definitely not fun.

"What's that noise?"

"...Sounds familiar, judging by the screaming that's heading towards us, it's most likely..."


"Why is this happening to me!"

"You poked that damn web! Now a bunch of freaking huge ass spider like creature is chasing us."

"Hey is that!"


Not telling why, I immediately fire endless water blades at those spiders as I greet the troublesome trio.

"Hey there~ Mind telling me what happened~?"

"U-uh, s-sure?"

"....As expected of you three, not even gobta can compare against you're curiosity for things."

"I didn't do it it was Kabal! He cut the web in half saying that 'what could go wrong' flag line!."

"Hey you told me there was no other passage so I had to!"

"...Please don't lump me in with them."

"So like you three, anyways, what are you guys doing here?"

"Ah, we actually came here to visit Shizue."

"Visit me? Why?"

"Why? Can't we visit?"

"Hahaha, you can, I thought you were sent by someone to find me."

"No way!"

"Actually, the guild master was asked by the a baron to drag you into blumund."

"What? Fuze got what? What did he reply?"

"He said that, "I wouldn't do it even if I were sentenced to death if I refuse, because Shizue is now a citizen of Tempest." something like that."

The dude is scared of me. 

<<You did brag about killing Charybdis back then master>>

...Fair point, but I wonder why they want Shizue back. She can't be like how she used to be anymore now that Ifrit is gone.

For now I'll stay vigilant.

"Hey Elen, we're actually going to Ingrassia, if you don't mind I'd like you to accompany us. I will pay for it of course."

"No need! We would love to go with you right."

"Roger that."

"What he said."

And so we traveled together. I must admit it was quite fun, whenever I tell them to rest they immediately shut down like their bodies just lost all energy.

Every single time I take my eyes off them they're gone while being chased by monsters. Even Shizue's getting fired up looking at them struggling.

I can see why they admire her, even though she lost Ifrit, she didn't loose her skills. I'm just as good as her when I fight normally using swordplay.

And when the night came they would fight over who get's to eat the meat me and Shizue prepared.

When I asked why are they so relaxed even though we're in a monster infested forest, they just said.

"Hahahaha that's a funny one! The strongest monster here is on our side so we feel relaxed and safe no matter where we are!"

"You almost twisted my head when you shot down Charybdis you know"

"I'm just relived to know that we aren't in any trouble thanks to our worthless leader."

Sharing a laugh like this once and a while is quite refreshing, not that my time in Tempest is bad it's just that this is a different kind of atmosphere, it feels like camping out with you're friends on the woods.

Back in my days I'd always get the chore work since I did all the handy craft stuff.

Heck if I were that good I wondered why I didn't get a single girlfriend.

A day later we made it to Blumund.

I was heading for an inn as Shizue pulled my robe and pointed at the carriage that was heading towards us.

I grab her wrist as I walked faster and headed straight towards a back alley.

"Was that...."

"The king of Blumund yes."

"Then why'd you run?"

"I don't want to get found out right after I entered."

"But from the way it looked, something tells me they know already."


<<Kabal and his team were assigned to invite you over to Blumund.>>

'What?! And why did you not tell me!'

<<No hostile intentions were detected Master>>

I gotta correct that mindset of hers that came from Raphael!

"Rimuru, it seems like Kabal is trying to find us."

"Sigh* Fine, we're going there, but first I want to know who's behind this. In the mean time you can go and catch up to them talk what they've been up to."



"Let's see here..."

"Yo! Short time no see Fuze-kun"

"Rimuru-dono what brings you here?"

"I want to ask, were you the one who sent those three to get me?"

"It was most likely the king."

"The king? Why?"

"As I recall, the king was asking a friend of mine about Shizue. Somehow the topic came to you."

"By came to me, you mean about how Shizue's staying at my country?"

"Yes, that friend of mine asked me about you and wanted me to get him and audience with you but I refused. I didn't want to bother you when you were so busy."

"Ah okay, you're king wants an audience with me eh? I'll give him one so tell him."

"Wait! Before you go, Blumund does not intend to have hostile relationships with you, so please don't misunderstand this. I tried telling that stupid noble but he just wouldn't listen."

So the king wants to meet me, well I won't have to go through that baron if I just went and meet with the king directly. Fuze's telling the king that I accepted.

I'll be more cautious with this, don't want to mess up twice.

Now then, let me find Shizue first...

"Oh Rimuru, did you finish your talk?"

"I did and I've got a meeting with the king."

"That sounds troublesome."

"It really is, sorry, you can continue on with what you're doing, I'll be back later."

"Take care."

Let's see, this king wants my protection. Why not, Blumund was one of my allies back then and I don't intend on losing one.

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