Prisoner of War

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It's good that Ruminas isn't hostile towards me, she's staying vigilant, looks like she's waiting for me outside. Does she want to talk with me? Well, I'll gladly talk to her after I capture this King blabbering in front of me.

"Do you hear me! How dare you ignore me–"

"I hear you." I speak in a cold tone.

"I-I'm a king! You should mind your manners!"


Even Ciel is getting impatient, she's been acting this way since the sudden lose of contact from that projector I gave the king through a letter.

"So what? I'm also a king for your information."

"E-Even so! I'm a human king, while you're a king of filthy monsters–"

I release a bit of my True Dragon Spirit aura locking him stiff in his movements. You, should mind your manners, I really don't care if you badmouth me, but talk about my people like that and I'll give you a vacation at hell.

"Since I'm already here, why don't we talk officially, you can't say no." Since I've already wiped out your soldiers.

".....A talk eh? Sure, why not" 

He suddenly smiles gluttonously, quite disgusting if you ask me. My appearance might fool you, but I'am a middle aged man inside. Hell, I highly doubt one of my subordinates recognizing me if they met the Satoru me.

<<Irrelevant, no matter what form you might take master, everyone would immediately recognize you>>

Aww, my mood improved slightly thanks to that. That aside, this king continues on locking his eyes at me like a predator.

"Then I would like to ask you, who gave you information about my city?" 

Of course I'm not asking about the public information I intentionally leaked out. I'm sure he's heard a couple of words about my nation. But just in case...

"Hell if I know, it was a cloaked man that first appeared upon my ministers."

He's actually giving me answers, but I really want you take this seriously, you're totally giving off the wrong vibe.


"Hold on, don't I get to ask a question this time?"

I give a simple nod and a sigh.

"Then... why are you raising filthy monsters?"

His smile turns evil as he speaks, I could feel his ill intentions.

<<Master, I would like to talk this time>>

Go right ahead, I don't see a problem with that.

"Filthy monsters you say? Does it seem that way to you? Then by your words, I'am filthy too correct?"

"....R-Right, b-but, why w-would s-such a b-beautiful...."

"Gibberish, that's what your half ass words translate to in my ears human."

That's odd, why is she speaking like that? Ciel, I know you're in a bad state but....

"Attacking my country.... making a fool out of us, those are crimes that will never go unpunished!"

Well.... this is awkward, I wanted to apprehend him with as less violence as I can... But it seems Ciel checked my memories of the past, and.... let's just say she reacted like I did back then.

"Foolish human king, you are a prisoner of war! And you have the guts to eye masters body like that. Do you realize your own position!"

Amidst Ciel's rage, the king already collapsed due to the amount of aura released. Thank god I set up a barrier beforehand, don't want him to die that easily. Shion's gotta have her practice too.

"You went overboard."

<<I don't regret it.>>

Damn, what a sassy response, I think Ciel's gotten more and more human. In any case, the kings successfully captured, Benimaru has captured a few soldiers too, most of them are from Claymans army.

All in all, no casualties were caused this time, I'm glad it worked out well.


"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting."

"Not at all, it was fun seeing that human shrieking, gave me quite a laugh."

"Hahaha, it's nice too see you're not hostile towards me."

Then, in a low voice, she speaks as if she's in disbelief.

"How would I show hostile intentions to someone as powerful as you..."

"...? I didn't hear that, what did you say?"

"Nothing, just speaking to myself."

Come to think of it, why did she wait here for me? I just brushed it off in my mind saying she wanted to talk, but I could be wrong.

"Then may I ask what is your purpose in visiting my country?"

"I was curios about you, I honestly didn't pay attention much after Chronoa was sealed. But turns out, your quite the character aren't you."

"I guess, but what Chloe described to you might be a little off."

I can't say for sure that Chloe remembers that timeline where the 'me' right now, first reincarnated on. 

Since according to Ciel, I was forcefully sent back in time. I'm not certain whether this affects Chloe's time traveling loop. But since Ruminas is here, I can confirm all that by asking her as to what Chloe told me.

"....So you really know Chloe? Well, I'm glad you didn't decide on injuring Hinata when she fought you. Since you're clearly stronger then what Chloe described."

"About that, could we discuss this in detail? You might not like this but, Veldora is at my nation right now."

She clearly hesitates, she hated Veldora more than anyone on this planet. 

"If you don't want to I can understand–"

"I'll go, besides, I'll give that lizard my wrath once I see him."

"Haha, that would be quite hilarious in itself, feel free to do so, you have my support."

"Hmm... you seem like you know Veldora quite well... did you tame him?"

"Well, me and Veldora are quite good friends, but he deserves a good scolding once in a while, so you can feel free to do whatever you want."

Ruminas looks at Rimuru with great her eyes, she shows a hint of admiration towards him. She smiles, only because of Rimuru's smile, nothing more, nothing less.

"Well, let me introduce you to my country, one sec...."

I still have Tempest in Imaginary Space, hope they aren't too uncomfortable in there. Ciel, release Tempest from Imaginary Space.

Also, get the king and the prisoners in Tempest's cells, make sure to teleport Rigur and the security team with the prisoners.

"Well, let me introduce myself formally. My name is Rimuru Tempest, it is nice to meet you."

"Same here as well, Ruminas Valentine, it's my pleasure to be in your care."

"Now then, let me be your guide, welcome to Tempest!"


An: My mind is debating whether I set things up so Ruminas will also see Rimuru as a love interest. What? Complaining are we? Look, Ruminas might be lesbian, but Rimuru is technically not a dude either, plus, he looks like a goddess. So I might or might not set up things so Ruminas will like Rimuru.... bye!!!!!!!!

PS: Chapter might be a little too rushed, but I'm not writing a light novel so deal with it.

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