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"Oh? Hinata-sama, that was rather quick. I thought you were going to come with them."

After the private meeting between Rimuru, Ruminas, and Hinata concluded, Rimuru let them out of his [Imaginary Space].

What? I've been in there for a while, what do you mean...

Hinata ponders as she thinks about how much time has passed. Realizing she wasn't going to reach a conclusion on her own, she asks.

"Answer me, how much time has passed since I said I would come with them."

"Barely ten seconds."

Hinata knew that if she made a fuss, the others would get suspicious. So, she hid her reaction and only responded with a slight nod.

"Is there something the matter with it, Hinata-sama?"


What an absolute monster.


Far away in an isolated location, 7 entities gathered.

"So? Gran, how sure are you about this?" Dina, a member of the Seven Celestial Sages said.

"As sure as I'll ever be, that I tell you. Listen, all of you know that Lady Ruminas has slowly been losing hope in us. You have all come to me for guidance, all of you wish to receive her love without a halt."

"Yes." They all answered in unison.

"Right. And so, the one currently stealing all of Her Majesty's attention is non-other than Hinata, we all know that right? Just to confirm."

The rest all nod in silence, confirming that they were on the same page.

"Hinata somehow left before we even had the chance to get rid of her. However, don't be downhearted, that only means we can kill her where Her Majesty Ruminas wouldn't know.

Despite all of them sharing the desire to kill Hinata, some had felt a little off-put to kill her in this manner. Though, their desperation for Ruminas's love had only flooded whatever conscience was left in their hearts.

"Also, don't you guys forget that we have reliable backing, in the worst case Scenario that that slime should attack us."      

"What do you mean by that, exactly?"

"Let's just say, I've made contact with a powerful entity. I know that slime is strong, however, this entity can give that slime a run for its money."

"That doesn't make sense, how would you know how powerful that slime is."

"Simple, word got out that that slime had become a demon lord. He goes by Chaos Creator Demon Lord Rimuru. He somehow defeated Milim in a battle, and, utterly destroyed Demon Lord Clayman."

"That's... quite horrifying, I... I think I don't ever want to go against that guy."

"There's no point in backing out now, and besides, I told you I have a reliable match for that slime."

"Alright fine, since we trust you, Gran, we'll leave it up to you. Oh, and in case that they manage to track us down..."

"You needn't worry about that."

Gran reassured, confident that they'd never be found.


"Kuahahaha, it is I, the Storm Dragon Veldora!"


Before any of them could react, Veldora punched every single one of them simultaneously.

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