Chapter 2: Escaping The DEAD

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Fujimi High School: Hallways

Her name was Saeko Busujima, hair purple, eyes blue, age 17, height 5'8.5, weight 123lbs, bust 83cm, waist 56cm, hips 86cm and she was a third year like me. The only reason I knew all of that about her was because of the weird fanboy pervs who obsesse over her body. Saeko's grandfather was the master Busujima and he was considered a master with a sword. My grandfather was also a master and he used to talk about the Busujima's all of the time when I went to visit him.

Right now her and I were wandering the halls killing any of the undead who got in our way. Our plan was to find some keys and get out of the school as fast as we could. If we could we'd try to help and save as many people as we could. At this point the undead were either dragging bodies around or eating anyone who was alive. "Did you think this plan through?" Saeko asked me "not really but it was the best that I could come up with on the spot" I answered shrugging my shoulders.

"Hopefully the plan will work" Saeko said "don't worry in situations like these usually finding a pair of wheels increases your chance of survival" I replied. As we continued our way to the faculty room, Saeko and I killed as many zombies as we could, her and I watched each other's backs. The longer we continued the more intune with each other when it came to killing zombies. I noticed that when Saeko was killing these undead, she had a smile on her face. It seemed like to me that she was getting some sort of satisfaction from this.

I wasn't going to say anything, I was letting off some steam killing the ones who bullied me, even if they were already dead. As we passed the nurse's office we heard screams coming from inside. "We need to check that out" I said "on it" Saeko replied nodding her head. When we got to the nurse's office we saw some zombies trying to get inside. The two of us rushed over and killed the zombies in the doorway. Once inside we saw another zombie bitting down on a student while the nurse, miss Shizuka Marikawa was in the corner.

Quickly I cut the undead off at the legs with my wakizashi as Saeko bashed it head in. I quickly caught the student who was protecting miss Shizuka and laid him down. I could see that he was bitten and didn't have much long before he changed. "You did an honorable thing protecting miss Shizuka like that" I said to him. "Please tell us your name" Saeko said to the guy. " Kazu" he said coughing up blood. "Kazu, I am sure you are aware of what will happen to you now that you have been bitten by one of those things?" I asked.

Kazu froze and didn't answering, already knowing what was going to happen to him. "Kazu, would you want your friends and family to see you walking around as one of “them”?" Saeko asked the kid. Kazu shook his head "no, I would wish that upon them" Kazu answered. "Then you know what needs to be done" Saeko said "just gives us permission" I said. "Please" was all Kazu said. As Saeko raised her wooden sword I stopped her "here use this instead, it's more honorable" I said handing her my wakizashi"

Saeko took and swung it down on Kazu's head killing him instantly. Miss Shizuka let out a scream seeing Saeko kill Kazu. Saeko handed me back my wakizashi and thanked me for letting her use it. "Alright miss Shizuka, you can come with us, we'll get you out of here safely and alive" I said. As we go to leave two more zombies break in but Saeko and I quickly dispatch them. "We need to go now" Saeko said fling the blood off of her wooden sword.

Time Skip

Now with miss Shizuka with us, Saeko and I had to be even more careful for the undead. We did our best to avoid as many as possible so our movements wouldn't be restricted by a pile of dead bodies. Saeko and I had to explain this to miss Shizuka when she asked us about it. When we ran down the halls miss Shizuka triped over and fell to the ground, making noise. To prevent this from happening again, Saeko tore her skirt making it shorter. "Hey, I just bought this skirt" she said in a disappointed tone. "Do you care more about your life or name brand clothing?" Saeko asked her.

"I care about both actually" miss Shizuka answered "that's a start, now we need to get out of here" I said. With that problem out of the way we continued on with my plan to get to faculty room. Apparently miss Shizuka knew where they kept the car keys in the faculty room which was a big plus. "I think we're coming up to the faculty room" I said right before we heard a loud scream.

I looked to Saeko who nodded at me, with that her, miss Shizuka and I ran towards the source of the screaming. When we get there we see two students fighting off a hoard of the undead. One of them is a female student with pink hair and the other is a heavy set guy who was using a modified nail gun. The guy asks the girl to throw him some more nails as he was running out. As the girl fails to do that she takes a drill and rams it into one of the undead's head and begins to drill into it. Eventually she ended up killing it but was covered in blood.

Seeing more of “them” approach the two Saeko and I, along with these two other students help with killing the remaining zombies. The only one out the seven of us who didn't kill one of the undead was miss Shizuka. "See I can do anything I set my mind to" the girl with pink hair said before she fell to her knees and began to cry. I looked over to Saeko who then walked over and began to comfort the girl. With all of us here our luck might of actually changed in our favor. "Let's get in there before more come" I said pointing towards the woodshop room.

Time Skip

Woodshop Room

Over in the woodshop room out of the hallways the seven us began to discuss a plan to get out of the school and into the city. The one named Takashi and I decided on finding a bus and using it to get out of here. Along the way we'd quickly and quietly kill any of the undead who got in our way as to not attract more of them. Turns out my mental theory of them being the slow zombies that can't see and smell that only rely on hearing was correct. I guessed that maybe my knowledge of zombie movies was going to pay off. I just hoped that I wasn't going to have to sing Hit Me Baby One More Time to them or something even more ridiculous.

Takashi brought up us finding and reuniting with our parents in the city. Everyone agreed that it would be best if we did that. I didn't exactly care about my aunt at this point but my older sister was important to me. Neiko Hayashi, 26 and in the Japanese Self Defence Force or the JSDF or SDF for short. I wasn't as worried about her given her training but still she was one of the only family who loved me.

After we would find our families then we would try and find somewhere safe to wait this thing out. If I was correct either these undead would eventually rot and decay or the would starve themselves to death and or the military would wipe them out quickly. Just then the news came on and what we saw was pure chaos. This zombie outbreak wasn't just in the city but all over Japan and the world. We saw people being killed and eaten left and right, it was pure horror. "This day just keeps getting better and better" I say looking at the TV.

A/N: Sorry readers that this chapter is shorter then the first one but I promise the next ones won't be like this. I am going to try my best to put more into the second chapter but the second episode focused on everyone in short segments. Maybe I'll kind of split things up like that in future chapters to keep things interesting. There will definitely be more zombie killing action in the next chapter and you'll be able to learn even more about Y/N. Now I am always answering any questions you may have about the story or anything else in general. If there is a question that you want answered either message me or comment on a chapter with your question. I will do my best to answer your question to the best of my ability. As usual the feedback helps me make sure that the next chapter is better then the last one. As always thank you for reading and I will see you later

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