Chapter 9: Love In The DEAD

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City Streets

Saeko and I had managed to make our way through the city after having to split up from the others. Our plan was to find a way to get to Saya's house were we could regroup with the others. Like I had predicted before it did indeed start to rain. Thankfully we found a place to stay out of the rain. There we found a vehicle that was also aquatic. "We can use this to avoid the zombies" I said "it looks like there is a sand bank out in the middle of the river" Saeko said.

As I got the vehicle started Saeko watched my back and kept the zombies off of me. After that we drove off into the river and avoided any zombies as we made our way to the sand bank. There on the sand bank we caught our breath before we would continue on. "How far do you think we are from Saya's house Hayashi san?" Saeko asked me. "From the looks of where we are, I'd say about a day out" I answered.

I decided that now would be a good idea to have a smoke break before we continued on our way. I took out a cigarette and lit it, I slowly began to smoke it. This day went south fast, I wasn't planning on splitting up again. Saeko was looking at me "do you want to take a hit off of it?" I ask her. She didn't answer right away "fine" she answered taking the cigarette out of my hand.

I could tell that she hadn't smoked before by the way she held it and took a puff off of it. When Saeko blew the smoke out of her mouth she handed the cigarette back to me. I took a few more puffs off of the cigarette before I flicked it into the water. "We should get going now" Saeko said "yeah, that would be best" I replied. With that I started the engine of the vehicle and began to drive off towards the other side of the river.

Time Skip

I drove the vehicle as far as I could before a whole bunch of zombies began to follow Saeko and I. Thankfully I found a water fountain at this park. I decided to crash the vehicle into the create enough noise to keep the zombies off of us. Saeko and I then made our way through the park, we killed any zombies that got in our way. However something happened and Saeko froze in her tracks.

I looked over and saw two young children who had become infected and were now zombies. "I can't...I can't kill them" Saeko said lowering her wooden sword. I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder "don't worry Busujima, I will take care of it" I said to her. "Thank you Hayashi san" Saeko said, I drew my wakizashi from its sheath and walked over to the zombie children. As I went to finish them off and put them out of their suffering, Saeko closed her eyes. In two swift movements, I killed the two undead children.

I wiped the blood off of my wakizashi on my sleeve as I sheathed it. "It's over" I said, Saeko opened her eyes and saw that it was done. "Now where do we go?" Saeko asked me, I looked up and saw a shrine on a hill. "That shrine looks like a safe place to stay for the night" I answered. "Alright Hayashi san, let's go before more decide to show up" Saeko said.

Small Time Skip

Temple Shrine

Saeko and I made our way up the steps to the shrine and killed all the zombies outside and inside the shrine. Once we were sure that it was safe, I locked the doors and barricaded them. Both Saeko and I were soaked from the rain and we were cold. Saeko decided that it would be best if we dried our clothes off during the night. I was a bit apprehensive to see Saeko naked and for her to see me naked. Thankfully there were some kimonos that both her and I could wear for the night.

There wasn't any lights in the shrine so I found some candles and lit them so we wouldn't be in the dark. I laid my weapons out on a tatami mat and dried them off with a towel. I checked my ammo and made sure that it was still okay. Luckily they weren't wet and ruined meaning I could still use them. Once I did that I put them to the side along with my bladed weapons.

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