Chapter 11: Rules Of The DEAD

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Takagi Estate

After that demonstration that Takagi's father Souichiro gave everyone, Saya, Kohta, Takashi and I are in a tent trying to talk to some unroly people. Our plan was to calm them down before something happened. But to all our efforts they weren't the easiest to calm down. For some reason, all of them kept calling Takagi's father a liar. They believed that he was wrong about there not being a cure for “them”. "I don't think you people get it, you can't cure those things with love, they cannot be exhumed, the only true way to cure them is to kill them" I tell the people.

"Whatever kid, like you would anything" a guy says to me "trust me, I think I know a lot more then you" I reply. "You think your smarter then me, fine then, I just kick your ass" the guy says grabbing me by the collar of my shirt. Before the guy could even react, I had my katana's blade on his neck. Seeing this, the guy froze in place and began to sweat profusely. "Hayashi san, he isn't worth, let him be a clueless idiot" Takagi tells me. "Fine" I say quickly sheathing my katana "come on, let's get out of here" Takashi says to us. "I can't believe we waisted our time with these idiots" Takagi says as we leave the tent.

Elsewhere in the Takagi house, we find Saeko sitting with Souichiro Takagi in a dojo. Saeko is having a conversation with Souichiro, out of nowhere he hands Saeko a katana. "Consider this a gift for your father teaching me" Souichiro tells Saeko. "It is a beautiful blade" Saeko says as she partly unsheaths the katana. "But I am not worthy to use it" she says closing the sheath. "But you are, you are the most skilled and worthy to wield it" Souichiro tells Saeko.

Saeko looks at the katana in its sheath "if anyone is worthy to wield it, it would be Y/N or even Takashi san" she says to Souichiro. "That Takashi boy is naive and untrained" Souichiro says "then what about Y/N?" Saeko asks Souichiro. "That Hayashi boy, he is indeed skilled, I know of his grandfather's mastery and skill with a blade" Souichiro says. "Then he is more worthy to wield this blade" Saeko says. "Unfortunately, he is to cocky and lacks leadership" Souichiro says.

"Is it because of the choices his family has made or is it his blood?" Saeko asks Souichiro. "His blood matters not to me, a person cannot choose who their parents are and I think it is honorable for one to stand by their beliefs no matter what others think" Souichiro answers. "Then what is it then?" Saeko asks "he needs to prove himself, standing up to me was a step but there is more he needs to do" Souichiro answers.

Saeko sighs as she takes the katana from Souichiro and sets it down next to her. "You think highly of this young man, may I ask why is that for someone of your stature?" Souichiro asks Saeko. Saeko smiles "he gave me what no other could" she answers. "And what would that be?" Souichiro asks Saeko. "Love, Y/N Hayashi gave me love when I thought I was unworthy to have it" Saeko answers

I needed some time to myself after what happened back in the tent. I needed to do better on controlling my anger. It seemed as though when I got a certain power I began to let it go to my head. My judgment was becoming clouded by my actions and I need to fix that. So I found a place on the property to work out all of my angers and aggressions. I was using a stick I found to hit a tree, I was using the ancient sword style my family prefected throughout the years.

My grandfather use to have me do this whenever I got angry and was making a fool out of myself. "So this is where you have been" a voice says to me. I stop swinging the stick and turn around to see Saeko standing there. "Yeah, I needed some time to myself" I say. "Don't let me stop you" Saeko says "nah, seeing you there fixes all of my problems" I reply. Saeko blushes "that right there makes it ten times better" I say with a smile. "So why are you out here then?" Saeko asks me "I needed to clear my head for a bit" I answer.

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