Chapter 12: Seige Of The DEAD

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Tokyo Bay

"Hey Nei chan, look up at the sky" Mei Mei tells Neiko, Neiko looks up and sees missiles flying in the sky. "Those are nuclear warheads" Neiko says "those are not a good sign" Mei Mei replies. "Private Hayashi and private Keito, respond, I repeat respond" the radio says. "This is private Hayashi with private Keito, we respond" Neiko says grabbing the radio. "Multiple nuclear detonations have been reported, e...e...everything going...going...d...d...d" the radio said as the missiles went off in the sky.

Everything went dark after that "this is not good, not good at all" Mei Mei says. "No it isn't, I guess this truly is the end of days" Neiko says. "What do we do now?" Mei Mei asks "there's nothing we can do" Neiko answers. Neiko pulls out a locket and opens it, inside of the locket is a picture of her and Y/N when they were younger. "Please be safe" she says to the picture before closing the locket.

Takagi Estate

I saw them in the sky, right away I knew what they were and what was going to happen. "Shit" I say to myself as the missiles went off. As the missiles exploded all of the power in the Takagi estate went off. "What was that?" Takashi asked "it was an EMP blast" Takagi answers. "It's the result of warheads going off" I say, "we need to do something quickly" Saeko says.

Just then a familiar bus crashes through the barrier that was keeping “them” out and then the gates of Takagi estate. Behind the bus was a massive horde of “them” and they began to pour into the estate. "We need to get out of here" Takashi says to us "let's get to hummer" I say. All of us ready our weapons as a fight ensues with the undead. All around people are fighting with the zombies or are being eaten.

As we all are running a tree falls down in-between us, the tree separated me from the group. "Y/N" Saeko says with worry "don't worry about me, I'll meet you all at the garage" I tell her. "We'll wait for you" Rei says "be safe" Takashi tells me. "Alright, see you guys later" I tell them as I run off to find another way to the garage.

I don't try to waste my time with killing the zombies around me, I only bother with the ones that get in my way. I use the spiked bat to crush their heads and kill them instantly. As I get closer to the garage, I hear something that catches my attention. I look over and see a limping Shido coming over towards me. As he gets closer, I notice a large bite mark on his arm. "Help me" he says as he walks closer and closer to me. Once he sees me, he falls to his knees "help me" he says once more.

I walk over to him and take out my tanto and wakizashi "please help me H...H...Hay...Hayashi" Shido pleads. I aim my wakizashi over his head and wait until he starts to fully transform. As the color in his eyes fades away, I stab him in the chest with my tanto. I then take my wakizashi and decapitate him with a single swing.

I sheath my wakizashi then I take out the tanto from his chest and also sheath it. With that out of the way, I continue on my path to the garage. As I get to the garage, I see the others fighting off the dead. "Y/N, you made it" Takashi says "took you long enough" Takagi says. "Well I'm here now" I say taking out my pistol shooting some zombies.

As we fought off the zombies Maddo was busy working on the hummer. It doesn't take him long to finish working on it and get it ready for us. "Alright you kids, it's good to go" Maddo says as he finishes with the hummer. "Get in" I tell the others as I use my AR to kill a large group of zombies. Once the way was cleared for us, I got into the hummer as Shizuka drove off.

Outside of the garage we saw Takagi's father and mother fighting off the zombies, leading survivors away from them. "Father, mother" Takagi says to her parents "daughter, you and your friends get out of here, we will hold them off" Takagi's father tells her. I could see the tears in her eyes as her father told her that "but father" Takagi says. "No, you must go, your mother and I have got things handled here" Takagi's father replies.

"We are so proud of you my daughter" Takagi's mother tells her daughter. "Mama, papa, I love both you" Takagi says crying as we drove off. I could see Souichiro and his wife kill a massive horde of zombies as we drove off. "Badass" I say to myself as I pick off a few of the zombies in our way.

Time Skip

The drive away from the Takagi estate was quiet, no one said anything, they only focused on driving away from the place. Everyone was tired and were worn out from all that had happened today. Things went from good to bad, really quick and they were not prepared for any of it. Thankfully, the hummer was protected from the EMP so they didn't have to worry about not having a set of wheels. Alice and Zeke were snuggling up with Y/N and Saeko. "Looks like you two are a thing" Takashi says to Y/N "I could say the same thing about you two" Y/N says to Takashi seeing him with Rei.

"Where do we go from here?" Shizuka asks "I don't know anymore" Y/N answers. "We could go to the mall and look for supplies" Hirano suggests. "Dude, that is a total cleche" Y/N says to Hirano "sorry, it was the only thing that I could think of" Hirano replies. "I don't know, sounds like their might be something good there" Takashi says. "I don't care as long as we get far away from here" Takagi says. "Don't worry, your parents are strong, they won't die so easily" Y/N tells Takagi.

"I know" was all that she said "we just need to keep moving forwards" Saeko says to the group. The hummer keeps on driving through the streets. Y/N looks out the window and let's out a sigh. When he looks over, he sees Saeko touching his arm with a smile on her face. Seeing her, Y/N is put at ease. "Once we get to the mall, we'll look for your parents Rei" Takashi says. "Then we'll look for your parents" Y/N tells Takashi.

"Hopefully the evac site will still be there" Hirano says "I don't think it is, especially after those EMPs went off" Y/N replies. The hummer drives for a bit longer before stopping "we're here" Shizuka says turning the hummer off. Y/N and the others get out of the hummer and look at the mall in front of them. They all stand in front of the mall and don't say anything until Y/N speaks up. "This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a whimper" he says quoting T.S. Elliot's major poem "The Hollow Men".

"What does that mean big bro?" Alice asks Y/N "he means that there is still hope for us" Saeko answers Alice's question. Zeke let's out a bark as the group walks over to the mall.

A/N: Alright readers, here is the last chapter before the OVA episode. I'm still on the fence on what I should do after this and the next chapter. I don't know if I should continue it and go off on my own ideas or just end it. If you readers have any suggestions let me know what you think I should do. Now, I am always answering any questions you may have about the story or anything else in general. If there is a question that you want answered either message me or comment on a chapter with your question. I will do my best to answer your question to the best of my ability. As usual the feedback helps me make sure that the next chapter is better then the last one. As always thank you for reading and I will see you later

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