Chapter 3: Law And Order Amongst The DEAD

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Fujimi High School: Woodshop Room

Their names were Takashi Komuro, age 17, second year, Rei Miyamoto, age 17, second year, Saya Takagi, age 16, second year and Kohta Hirano, age 16, second year. Then there was Saeko, miss Shizuka and I, that made seven of us in total. All of us were shocked to see that this outbreak was not just in Japan but all over the world. Cities were burning across the county and the world as millions of people died left in right. This worried me that there might not actually be any way of surviving this but I kept quiet as to not worry the group.

Our plan was simple, get to the bus and take it out of here. Takashi and I were thinking of ways to distract the undead with sound. I decided that I needed some throwable weapons so I could have some distance between me and “them”. I grabbed carving knives and anything sharp that I could throw. Once Takashi had gathered enough objects to use as distraction, we made our way to the bus. When we would encounter one of “them” either Takashi would throw a wet rag getting their attention or I would throw one of my sharp objects killing them.

Once we got to the staircase, the seven of us met up with another group of survivors. I could that they were hesitant to come with us but they wanted to survive this. Takashi and I explained to them that noise was what attracted the attention of the undead. We then told them our plan to get to the bus and they agreed to help us out. When began our journey down the stairs making as little noise as possible.

When we got to the bottom it was a straight shot to the doors. Takashi and distracted some of the undead and began to get students out of here. Unfortunately things would change right there, one of the other survivors made noise with his metal pole. That noise brought in a whole bunch of the undead. Immediately the other survivors began to panic as we fought through a horde to get to the bus. To say that we all made it out of there alive would be a lie, a lot of students ended up dead and there was nothing we could do about it.

The horde followed us through the parking lot and it didn't seem like they were going to let up. "Come on everyone, hurry" I yelled as I killed one of the undead. I used my wakizashi and tanto in tandom as I cut down any undead that got in my way. "We're almost there" Rei said as we got closer to the bus. The closer to the bus we got, we ended up running across another group who was going to the bus. Right away I recognized the teacher that was with that group right away.

Mr. Shido, that guy was really something and I wasn't the only one who thought the same off him. I saw the look on Rei's face, it was one of hatred and disgust. I could tell that she wasn't going to like him joining us and that there was going to be problems in the future. I didn't really want to save him either but right now my only focus was getting to that bus alive. Takashi ended up helping Mr. Shido and his students get to the bus with us. "This is going to be great" I thought to myself as I watched the students and Mr. Shido get on the bus.

Right away we closed the doors and waited for miss Shizuka to get the bus started. It took her a bit but eventually she was able to get the bus started and get us out of the school parking lot. I found a seat next to Saeko and sat down letting out a sigh of relief. "It's far from over" Saeko told me "I know, but got now, I need to catch my breath" I replied. Saeko let out a sigh and relaxed into her seat, she then put her head on my shoulder as the bus drove off.

Time Skip

City Streets

We drove through the streets of the city and saw chaos all around, burning buildings, looting and much more destruction. In my life I had seen a lot of destruction and chaos but this managed to take the cake. The bus seemed calm but there was a strong tension in the air. Right away when we stopped the bus Mr. Shido began to make things worse. "We all need someone to lead us through these dark times and I belive that I am the only one capable of doing that" Mr. Shido said standing up.

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