Chapter 5: The Streets Of The DEAD

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Tokyo Bay

Sitting atop a tower overlooking Tokyo bay is Neiko Hayashi, sister of Y/N Hayashi. With Neiko is her spotter and best friend Mei Mei Kito. "500 meters, 4 o'clock" Mei Mei said "got it" Neiko said firing her 50 cal sniper rifle at a fat zombie walking up to the fence. The bullet come out of the barrel and heads straight for the fat zombie. Once it makes contact with its head the zombie's head explodes and the bullet rips another zombie in half. "Two for the price of one" Neiko said "lucky" Mei Mei replied.

Neiko loads another round into her gun and fires off another round at a zombie. "So how is that cute little brother of yours doing?" Mei Mei asks Neiko. "Y/N is driving through the city looking for his friends" Neiko answered. "That's good to hear that Y/N is safe" Mei Mei said. "I know what Y/N's been through, I may worry for him but I know that he is extremely capable of keeping himself alive" Neiko said. "Still, him having friends is kind of weird and unusual" Mei Mei said. "That's the same thing I said to him" Neiko replied loading another round.

"What did you tell him about everything going on?" Mei Mei asked Neiko. "Not much, I only told him about the evac mission and what I would do if things went south here" Neiko answered. "That's probably for the better, the less he knows, the safer he is" Mei Mei said. "Still Mei Mei, he needs to be safe, I promised our parents" Neiko said. "Your the best Neiko and Y/N knows you love him and will be there for him" Mei Mei said. "Wait, five targets, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 o'clock" Mei Mei said pointing out five more zombies for Neiko to kill.

City Streets

It was day time and I still hadn't been able to regroup with the others. I had filled the gas tank to the bike now a few times since the rest stop. I did what I could to avoid any zombies that might try to stop me. I avoided using my handgun as much as possible and only use my crossbow or melee weapons. Thankfully I hadn't run into any more people who wanted to rob and kill me or just kill me. I needed to find the others soon, I hoped they were okay.

If Mr. Shido did something to them, I was going to kill him, not just kill him but make him suffer. Being around Saeko, I knew I could trust her with the safety of the others. If I didn't kill Shido then she would of done it without a second thought. If I didn't find the others today I'd look for them throughout the night. I was bond to find them eventually, I wasn't going to give up hope just yet.


With Saeko, Kohta, Saya and Shizuka back on the bus, they were dealing with Shido preaching to the other students on the bus and them eating it up. He was still calling himself the leader of the group and was acting more confident since Y/N wasn't on the bus. Hirano was worried about Y/N along with Takashi and Rei, Saeko kept telling him that they were alright. However Saya could see that Saeko was somewhat worried about Y/N.

The bus continued on its way through the city and Shido kept going on his rant. Finally the others had enough Shido and realized that nothing would be gained by staying with him any longer. "Okay that's it were leaving" Saya said "stop the bus Shizuka" Saeko said. Shizuka stopped the bus and opened the doors "I'm going too" she said. "But miss Shizuka you can't leave us alone we need you" Shido said. "No, she's coming with us" Saeko said "yeah, I trust them more then I do you" Shizuka said.

"I still don't think it is in the best interest of the group if you leave, we need your medical expertise" Shido said. "She said she isn't going to stay with you" Hirano said standing up to Shido. Shido had a demeaning look on his face and began to scold Hirano. "I don't think you quite grasp the situation here, I'm in charge" Shido said. "No, I'm not going to let you bully anymore, like Y/N said your not in charge of me or any of us" Hirano said.

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