Orange Blossom

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The two spent what seemed like an hour just with each other. Izuku spent the time rambling about the anything from the flower shop, his time in the Thorns, and his friends. Shoto listens to every word he said as he relaxed back into his pillows.

Unfortunately the tender moment between the two was interrupted by Dabi coming back in with Shinso behind him. When they came back, Shinso told them that the nurse had found out the bloodwork matched Endeavor's. He assured them that he told the nurse not to call him or anyone until he got to talk to them.

Dabi was rightfully upset as he mumbled about how this was the reason why he hated hospitals in the first place and why they had Doc on the team. Shoto told Shinso what he knew with Dabi helping out on the bigger story for whatever that Shoto didn't remember. Izuku held Shoto's hand through everything. At the end of it, Shoto and Dabi talked about what their next step was.

Shoto was very hesitant on meeting back up with the family he left behind when he was younger. But Izuku talked with each of them when Shinso excused himself for the room to go over their options. At the end, the two wanted to meet up with their lost family again just once and see where it goes from there.

While Shoto was still recovering, Izuku closed his shop, so he could spend the time at Shoto's side. Shinso came back the next day to inform Dabi and Shoto that the Fallen Angels are now a more technical vigilante group working with the underground heroes. Ryu was fully recovered along with the rest of the others.

After Shoto finally got out of the hospital, he went with Dabi to meet with their old family at their new house. Shoto told Izuku all about it when he returned. How Natsuo tackled Dabi into a hug as soon as he walked in. How Fuyumi was crying over how much he had grown. And how his mother was so happy to see the two of them. And they promised to keep in contact with them from now on and visit them at least once or twice a week.

Ryu placed Dabi as the next leader if anything ever happens to him because of the true strength he holds. The Fallen Angels became a great help to the underground heroes. Some members even go off on bigger missions that the underground heroes need more help on.

Izuku was still running his flower shop the same way he always did. He was snacking away on brownies that his mother had gave him when he went to visit that day. Shoto spent most of the day with Izuku before heading out at night to help with the group. Most of their time was spent together whether Shoto was helping in the shop or cuddling with Izuku upstairs.

Izuku taught Shoto more and more about flowers each and ever day. Shoto even started to help out with flower arrangements after digging deep into the flower language with Izuku there to help him.


And on the windowsill of their bedroom, a vase of neatly arranged orange blossoms sits while the sunlight starts to peek in through the glass.

Shoto rolled over in the bed only to relax again at the sight of his freckled love. With a sigh, he wrapped his arms around the other's body in a soft embrace before falling back asleep.

And that was how a Fallen Angel met his own personal Angel. A guardian angel who protected him when he needed most. A loving angel who healed him when he was at his worst. An angel who accepted him no matter who he was or what he did.

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