Morning Glory

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Shoto eventually snaps out of the trance that Shinso put him under only to discover his hands are restrained with quirk resistant cuffs. The cuffs are chained to a metal table in the middle of an interrogation room with the glass across from him.

He could see his reflection in the glass, his hair was messy from him not styling it that morning. He wondered how long it would take until he would talk to someone. And turns out he didn't have to wait long before Shinso entered the room.

The door swung open, letting Shoto hear what conversation was happening outside while Shinso was walking in.

"FINALLY!" A raspy voice yelled out. "One of the Fallen Angels! We can finally get this case done!"

"Bakubro, dude," A more lighthearted voice replied back to the voice before the door shut smoothly behind Shinso.

Shinso greeted, "Hello, Shoto. Also known as Kitsune from the Fallen Angels."

Shoto nodded, "Hello, Shinso. Also known as the guy who brought me here."

Shinso shook his head with a small smirk, "I won't lie to you and say that I didn't have suspicions when I first met you."

Shinso took a seat across from Shoto, staring right at him.

"I could kind of guess from the look you ave me when I first met you. But you are Izuku's friend and I trust his judgment despite not knowing him that as long as you may have," Shoto replied.

Shinso grimaced at his wording, "So Shoto, tell me why exactly was Izuku brought into your yakuza mess. Did you trick him from the start to gain his trust? Was that little stab incident a ploy just for him to care for you? From the note, it seemed like one of your enemies thought of him as the perfect hostage. Izuku is just a florist, and yet you had to drag him into your life."

Shoto shook his head, "I didn't mean for it to happen. I care for Izuku deeply. I would never do something so underhanded to him when he saved my life."

"I need you to tell me the truth about these next questions. I will use my quirk if necessary to drag the truth out of you if I don't believe you," Shinso responded.

Shoto remarked, "Okay, fine. Ask me anything you want. But Izuku is still out there being held hostage. And us talking to each other is not going to help the situation at all."

Shinso commented, "I know I read the note. He has until tonight before their promised threat. We have enough backup to get to him safely."

"No, you don't." Shoto interrupted. "You don't know the Rising Demon's territory and how just far it reaches. Truthfully, it doesn't have as much power as my own group does, but it is still feared by smaller organizations. If you even dare take one wrong step, the group will know straight away."

"We have dealt with bigger takedowns." Shinso brushed him off, "I was a part of the infamous Class 1-A. We had to deal with bigger shit than this in just our first year. You don't think we can handle this?"

"No. The Rising Demons are the only enemy we have come across that are formidable opponents. The Fallen Angels have the quality, but they make up for it in quantity. Their territory alone is impressive. The Fallen Angels territory is more confined to our living place, but our territory is mostly just related to business deals we take," Shoto explained, shifting his wrists that were cuffed tightly. "Can you just arrest me after this is dealt with?! I need to get to Izuku fast with or without your help."



Shinso rolled his eyes, "Shoto, what are your true intentions with Izuku?"

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