Dangerous Fellow.

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July 4th, 1912 -Columbia

You walked over to the crowd linked to your new friend now called Mr.Dewitt, Annabelle looked over at you laughing with the man and decieded to pick up her dress and walk over to the both of you. "Well well well (Y/N), I see you have made yourself a friend!" Annabelle said looking at Booker. You smiled and nodded your head to her. "Yes, this is Mr.Dewitt, he works in New York with the Pinkertons he is here to work on the case of the missing children." You explained to her. She gasp and took his hand. "Oh my! Please do be careful I heard that it was the songbird taking kids into his lare to keep the Lamb company but if she doesn't find them interesting, she has him eat the kids!" Annabelle said confirmed, you laughed at her. "Do you really think that the Songbird would be taking young children for the Lamb? And even if he was why would he taking children around the ages of 8 - 12? Don't you think it would make sense if he was taking girls around 19, the same age as the lamb?" You told her. She rolled her eyes and put her fan in front of her face walking away to watch a band performance. Booker chuckled under his breath and began to walk with you. "So tell me a little about yourself? Anything." Booker asked while paying for some carmel popcorn. "Well, my mother is have me look for a husband right away that he must be wealthy, but I want someone who loves me for me and not my family jewels!" You told him while holding his arm tighter. He laughed at you while comping onto another peice of popcorn and then finally offering you some. "Well the Raffle is about begin, we should going now," He said. You nodded your head.

Once you too got to the raffle you both were given a baseball with a number on it your number was 12 while Booker's was 77, finally the music stoped and a man named Fink came out with a basket full of papers with the numbers on them. "And the winner is... number 77!"  Fink yelled as he clapped for the winner. You hugged Booker and he smiled at you. "Congratulations Booker!" You told him. "Now, come and claim your prize!" Fink told him while a man amd a woman tied to a board where crying and screaming in fear. "Please! I'm the ome you want! Don't hurt her!" The man yeld at the crowd they laughed at him the way he tried to protect the woman next to him. The woman was crying trying to untie her own hands to protect her stomach, by the way it looked she was about 2 or 3 months pregnant. You covered your mouth scared to see what was going to happen next and couldn't believe that everyome was accepting this behavior. "Well come on sir? Are you going to throw the ball or are you taking your coffee 'black' these days?" Fink laughed and she slapped the woman's face. Booker bacame angry with Fink and started to throw the ball in Fink's direction until a police officer grabbed Booker's wrist. "WE FOUND HIM, IT'S HIM!" The officer yelled. Fink bend down to look at his hand. "Now where did you get that mark boy? Don't you know that is the mark of the False Shepherd? AND WE AIN'T LETTIN NO FALSE SHEPARD INTO ARE TOWN ARE WE?" Fink yelled to the crowd as they looked at you and Booker. "(Y/N), get out of here you don't want to see the end of this." Booker told you as he threw the ball in the air and took a melee weapon known as a Skyhook and struck on of the officers in the face killing him, everyone began to scream and run from the scene. "(Y/N)! Come on we have to go now!" You're mother said pulling you away from Booker you still couldn't believe what was going on, you snapped back into reality when you heard gunshots. "Booker! He's in trouble!" You yelled and snatched away from your mother and ran to rescue Booker.

Looks like your going to be a hero for the man you have feelings for and now know him as the False Shepard. How will you fell about this later on the story? Stay Tuned and Stay Strong!

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