Off to Paris?

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July 4th, 1912 - The Beach

You couldn't stop thinking about how you almost kissed Booker, what if you did and then he would of woken up? Would he had continued to kiss or broken away from from it? It's all making your head spin you wished you would have just went through with it. "Hey what's up? Something on your mind kid?" Booker said patting your head running his fingers threw your wet (H/C) hair. You blushed and looked up at him. "You want me to be honest with you?" He smiled. "If you got something to say then just say it (Y/N) I won't be mad if your honest." He said standing in front if you under the tents where no one can see the two of you blushed harder and harder this was almost like a dream to you. "Booker... I wanted to know if you would... umm..." you began to twiddle your fingers together and look down at them. Booker began to get confused. "What is it?" You quickly grabbed his head and pressed your soft (L/C) lips onto his he was shocked at first but then his eyelids grew heavy with lust and finally closed and embraced your body into his, your tongues danced with each other as your hands explored each others bodies. "Booker... I..." you moan softly has your eyes turned to see Elizabeth staring at you two. You both pulled away to fix yourselves and then turned to her. "So are you two in a relationship, cause that's a sin if your not." Elizabeth said while walking in between the space of you too. You both stayed silent and just stared straight ahead. "Ummm, were trying to work something out at the moment." Booker said rubbing the back if his head, you quickly turned to look at him with wide eyes that were the size of apples. Elizabeth smiled at Booker. "Really? Ohh that's wonderful! Oh am I interupting you two!?" Elizabeth asked with glimzing eyes. "No acually we wanted your opintion on something." You told her, she looked so excited to help out a fresh couple. "Okay! Tell me!" Booker looked at you with trembling eyes not knowing what to ask Elizabeth, until an idea came to mind. "Me and Booker wanted to take a vacation to Paris! And we wanted to know uf you wanted to tag along with us?" You said wrapping your arms around Booker's waist. "What!? Paris?" Booker said staring at you, Elizabeth jumped for joy once she heard Paris. "Yes! of course I want to join you all! But don't you think I wuld be intruding on your time together?" Elizabeth worried. You shook your head no to her and then took her hand to walk ahead. "Elizabeth, me and Booker haven't really been together alone so we are use to having company along with us, plus he gets a little bit nervous once he is alone with me anyway." You giggled, she join in your laughter. "If you ladies are done gossiping about me, I would like to get to that ship real soon." Booker said walking through people to get to the door. "(Y/N), Elizabeth! Lets go!" Booker yelled You and Elizabeth grabbed each others hand and ran up to meet up where Booker was inside of the shack were toys or some patriots and some of the SongBird too. "We need to get some tickets and-" Booker's sentence was ended by two familiar faces asking you and Elizabeth a sinple question. "The Bird or the Cage?" The woman said with a blank expression. Elizabeth looked at them with glistening eyes as she stared at the beautiful pendents. "Look at them there beautiful! The bird is somber but the cage means something, witch one should I choose (Y/N)?" Elizabeth asked you.

Okay I'm ending it here because you giys need to vote on witch Pendent should Elizabeth choose! The Bird or The Cage? Comment Bird or Cage, The most votes gets the most wins! STAY TUNED and STAY STRONG!!!

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