The Lutece twins

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July, 4th 1912 - Columbia

"Well good evening Mr.Dewitt, Ms.(L/N)." The woman said to you you looked at them confuesed and scared. "How do you know my name?" You asked them pointing your loaded repeater at the woman when the man you assumed was her twin brother lowered it away fron her face. "Now now, you will find that shooting your friends won't get you anywhere." He said sarcastically. You lowered the gun back down. Booker looked at the twins. "We don't have time for this shit!" Booker yelled pushing though them. "Well I'm sure you will want this won't you?" The woman helled out a card to Booker and he snatched it away from her hand. He began to read it. "What's this? Monument Island? How can we get there?" Booker took his eyes off the card then the twins disappeared, this sent a chill down your spine and made you hold on Booker's arm tightly. "(Y/N) you okay?" Booker asked putting his hand on your forehead. You rubbed your arm and averted your eyes away from Booker's while he checked for good heath. "Your shaking!" He said worried. You pushed his away and began to blush and walked into the elavator that was open waiting for you both. "I'm fine. Lets just go to this Island or whatever." You said crossing your arms.

While the slightly broken elavator forced it's way up to the destination, it was cold and silent. You coyld see your breath it was so cold, 'Man, maybe cutting my dress wasn't a good idea after all.' You thought to yourself, later you felt a large pair of muscular arms being wrapped around you, it was warm and it felt safe you looked up and saw Booker looking at the poster on the wall, it was a photo of the grim reaper holding his skeletal hand out to an innocent cute lamb. "Booker, Why are you really in Columbia?" You asked him straight out. He stared into your (H/C) locks and then let out a deep sigh. "Well, I have to find this girl and take her to New York for a trade just to clear away all of my gambling dept, plain and simple." Booker said to you, a cold shiver went down you spine and you changed you position to look Booker in his green eyes. "Why did you gamble so much?" You asked feeling like that was a stupid question. He lit a cigarette with his Devil's kiss vigor. "Well, when your 18 and you feel like the luckiest thing just because you won two games, two quickly turns into five, then ten, then thirteen, and then it begins to get countless. Later you relize you have bet an enormous amount of money that you never had to start with, so you take on jobs like this to clear it." Booker explained, he looked into your eyes and began to smile. He leaned in closer bringing your faces closer for your lips to make contact but then the elavator door opened up you pulled away from him walking out if the door. "Since I'm stuck with you, I might as well help you with your mission, at the end of this I don't think I can just go back home now." You told him.

The two of you stepped out of the elavator and looked around there was no one in sight and you saw the sky line to Monument Island. "Alright lets go." Boiker got ready to jump on until you pulled his shirt. "Wait! How am I suppose to get over there? I don't have a sky hook." You told him, he grabbed your waist and tightly held onto you. "I got you, so don't worry." Booker said jumping onto the sky line grinding across it. "Hey it's the False Sheppard!" A man yelled pulling his out shooting at the both of you, you pointed to the men began shooting back at them never missing a single shot, the guards of Columbia where dropping like flies by every bullet you shot at them, Booker continued to drive the Skylines into a large wave of guards. "Booker? I don't think I can quickly take them all out!" You yelled to him. "You have to try (Y/N) do it now!" He yelled. "But Booker!" "DO IT NOW (Y/N) SHOOT!" Booker pulled a pistol out of his strap and shot the first three that where comming and you followed along.

The bullet went through each guard making tunnels though there hollow bodies while falling off of the skyline. Booker looked at you with an angry look, you put your head down in dissapointment realizing that once again you have made him angry. While Booker wasn't paying any attention to what was in front of him, the skyline was ended by someone cutting off the road. "(Y/N)!!!" Booker screamed in the air holding you close to him whiletrashing into a flying house, everything went black and quite, you thought that this would have totally killed you.

Sorry for the slow update, hopefully thos chapter was very interesting. If not then sorry again. But here you guys go. So STAY TUNED and STAY STRONG!!!

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