A Dream to Never Forget.

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July 6th, 1912 - First Lady Airship

Booker couldn't even believe you could even imagine something so crazy as a city under the ocean but then again he was standing in the City in the Sky so as of this point anything was possible, but he couldn't tell if it was you joking or you were just talking crazy from that overdose from that vigor you drank he wanted to believe you and listen but deep in his mind it all sound like crazy talk to him so he put it aside and continued to fly the ship. While watching out the window you couldn't stop thinking about that Underwater city, like you had been there before and you needed to see it again, it felt like something or someone was calling out to you for some reason Elizabeth walked up to you with a plate of Food to see if you were hungry. A cup of Tea with a Turkey sanwhich you smiled and politely took it, "Thank you Elizabeth, you didn't have to this was really nice of you." She smiled back at you and put her hand on your shoulder, "Just trying be some sort of help and keep everyone going." She replied while picking up another plate for Booker and walking over to him, she put the plate in front of him while tapping his nose for his attention " Hey you need to eat to if your going to be doing the protecting." She giggled, Booker blushed slightly and while taking a bite of the sandwhich. "Yea, uhh, thanks Elizabeth." He mumbled, she smiled and then looked at the ship's coordinates very closely, at began to frown and her small hands turned into a fists, "Booker are we still going to Paris?" She asked him with a different tone in her voice, he nodded while finishing off the sandwhich she made for him, but suddenly he felt the sting of a slap connect to his cheek. "THEN WHY DOES THIS READ NEW YORK!?" Elizabeth barked at him, you suddenly got up and ran over to Booker to see if he was alright and to separate them, another fight is not what you all need at this moment. "Look, I need to get you to New York to clear my dept that's my only job and then were done here, it's nothing personal I just want to be done with all of this!" Booker explained to her, Elizabeth began to burst into tears she couldn't handle that lies that Booker had been telling her this entire time all she wanted to do was either go back to her tower or go off to Paris she just wanted to be happy for once." You tried to comfort Elizabeth and but she pushed you away from her. "I bet you knew about this too didn't you (Y/N), your always behind all his plans!! I thought I could atleast trust you if I couldn't trust him!!!" Elizabeth yelled at you while grabbing your wrists then a white flash hit you, you couldn't see anything but white just like the 1st time, but you heard the same couple arguing about something.

"Get off of me! You're Drunk and you're scaring her!" The woman yelled out, then you started to here the grunting of a Man and the sound of slapping the woman began to cry and beg for him to stop. "All you ever do blame me for everything I'm fucking sick of it!" The man yelled back then you started to hear the screams and cry of a baby before you came back to reality and realized Booker was knocked out on the floor and Elizabeth must have let you go when your vision happend she was trying to gain control of the ship when it was too late, you all had crashed into a small and desperate looking down called, FinkTown.

You woke up wiping blood from your head and nose it was amazing on how you hadn't died or broken anything, but you were still in serious pain you tried to stand up to see if you could find Elizabeth or Booker. Once you got on your feet you started to move around things to see if they were barried under anything. Once you moved a couple of things you saw Booker's face he had a black eye and his nose looked completely broken, you gasped and began to move everything off of him as fast as you could, "Booker? Booker please be okay! BOOKER!" You shouted with tears filling your eyes, once you got the top of his body cleared up you tried to help him sit up but his head was moving around like he was dead, he Didn't feel cold but it honestly scared you that if Booker died you would have to find your way home and find Elizabeth on your own as well. "Booker... Please wake up... Don't leave me Booker..." you cried while laying your head on his shoulder you moved your (H/C) hair out of your face and gave Booker a small kiss before leaving his lifeless body. But then you felt his hands grasp you tightly one hand on your back and the other on back of your head so you wouldn't pull away from his kiss. Your eyes opened wide and then closed with happy tears flowing down your cheeks as you continued to share your beautiful kiss with Booker. Once you two pulled away you both smiled at each other, "Booker, your okay!" You hugged as him tightly as possible, he hugged you back with a smile "It's gonna take a more than that to kill me Darling. I'm not going anytime soon. I promise" He said to you.

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