Nevermore Part 1

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| Hollywood; February 15, 15:34 PST

"Everyone ready?" Nightwing asked as they all gathered around. The plan was for them to boom-tube to Markovsburhg in the palace to draw out Delamb. They each nodded their heads. "Good. Halo." Their aura went indigo, opening up a boom-tube for them as planned. On the other side, just as suspected, was Delamb with a shocked expression.

"You," he stated, backing up a bit when he met eyes with Superboy.

SB punched his fist to the palm of his other hand. "Yeah, me." The six ran after him as he made a break for the door.

When they were only to the stairs, a pounding migraine was endured to each of them as Vertigo stepped out. Each of them groaned, including Wanda who noticed how the frequency was different. Possibly adjusted to cause pain to her as well. "Gama to Beta, we've rescued the hostages and taken down Dr. X," Miss Martian informed through the com. "How's it going at the palace?" Dick was the one to answer.

"Just a...second..." He looked at Vertigo, taking out his baton and throwing it at him. It hit the count square in the head, knocking him out. "Jected! Beta to Gama, Vertigo's down. Sending Tigress, Halo, and Scarlet to Alpha."

As he said that, the three stood, running out the door while the brunette pressed on her com. "On our way."

While they were running, Artemis and Wanda's coms cut, Slade's voice soon coming in. "Brion is right. Bedlamb caused all your misery. Do your job then nothing can stop you and Brion from executing Delamb. Kill Beast Boy. Now." Both of their eyes widened at him words, coming to a stop at the shattered window. Outside were Tera, Geo-Force, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Delamb, and a recorder. Bedlamb seemed to be stuck in cooled lava, preventing him from moving and a few feet away was Gar, staring at the huge rock that was being held up above him. "Do it! Kill him." Halo and Scarlet flew down while Artemis jumped, landing safely. The two in the air set themselves down, each on either side of the blonde.

"Tara, listen. You don't have to do what Deathstroke says," Scarlet stated.

Beast Boy was surprised. "Deathstroke?!"

The little girl looked at them. "How long have you known?"

"Known?" Brion questioned, looking at Artemis before back to his sister with narrowed eyes. "Known what?"

The blonde took a few steps forward, taking off her mask. "Since before we found you. Batman had surveillance on Slade and could tell from his micro expressions that he was lying when he said that you had been washed out of the League of Shadows."

Her eyes were wide. "You knew i was still a Shadow? Why didn't you-"

"Busting you upfront would've taken the decision out of your hands which is exactly what the bad guys have done to you from the moment you were abducted."

That's when Slade finally spoke. "Don't go soft on me now, princess. They'll betray you. Like your uncle, like Jace."

"I have been betrayed so many times." She looked away. "But these people have risked their lives to save me, treated me with kindness, and respect, made me part of their family."

"Those are the tools they use to make you weak, i taught you to be strong."

"We wanted to show you that there is a better way. You can be forgiven, Tara," Artemis assured, coming up to her. "The choice is yours."

Tara simply stared at her, unsure of what to do. Wanda knew it was hard, after spending months thinking there was one way only to be shown something else. Just how it was with Pietro. Getting out of Cadmus and getting his memories was the only thing on his mind that it blinded him into going with the Shadows and the Light. He wasn't able to get the same opportunity Tara was, her praying that she made the right decision. After what felt like forever, the girl threw the rock to the side. She took out her ear piece with tears in her eyes, tossing it to the ground away from her. Once it was off, she turned to hug Artemis tightly.

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