Chapter 39

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"What are they trying to achieve?" I asked quietly. In reality though, it didn't matter if I was whispering or shouting it out with a megaphone. If the Deseparian were watching us, they would hear us either way. Still, I had to try something. Why not just attack?

Sentries, for one. Other than us, I didn't think anyone else was awake. But the sentries were always awake, taking shifts, watching the grounds, making sure we stayed a secret from the world. I'm also willing to bet we have them severely outnumbered.

Why not call for reinforcements and eliminate the issue?

Pride, he said with a smug texture to his words. A Deseparian would rather play games and use guerilla warfare if they know they cannot directly win against their opponent.

So they're trying to turn us on one another? I asked.

Not exactly. Samuel's mind opened up even further and showed us everything he'd observed over the past weeks. They are forcing you to forget about each other.

What will that accomplish?

More than you can clearly understand alone. Unfortunately for the Deseparian, the memories you all have of one another are far too strong. The most they can do is manipulate the names and the faces. But given enough time and enough new faces, you will go from knowing everyone by name and life-story to barely recognizing anyone.

I believe they are targeting you all collectively and are morphing the memories of one individual you all barely recognize now. Picking said person off after that would not be difficult. Especially if you had no reason to go looking for someone who you believed never existed.

That's sick, Marissa said.

That is tactical, he corrected her, and before you take a breath, I think you should know that whoever these memories belong to is being hunted as we speak.

But why is everyone still asleep? Marissa asked, grabbing my attention with her question. Manipulating our memories isn't out of the question, and it seems to fit perfectly. But how is it that nobody else is awake but us?

I am working on that. He didn't have all the answers. I had to admit, I was surprised, given his knowledge of the situation up until now.

"Wait..." Marissa's mind was beginning to spin faster. "You said whoever it is, is already being hunted?" Sam nodded but didn't follow. Her eyes grew wide, as if we should already understand what she meant. "While everyone is asleep?"

A sentry, Samuel responded, catching on. Marissa hadn't noticed the force in his tone as he spoke. He knew something he wasn't sharing. I thought it had to do with why he'd make eye contact with me before.

"Everybody up!" She screamed as she raced back down into the house. "Everybody get up, right now!"

Samuel sidestepped out of the way of the door and waved me in. I refused. Something on your mind?

"Who is it?" I asked.

Your question implies an air of suspicion. Is there something else you would like to ask?

"Just answer me, Sam. Do you know who's been targeted?"

Of course I know. It is the very reason I brought it to your attention.

"Then why didn't you tell Marissa that before she went and woke everyone up?" Not that it would matter. If she didn't know already, she would soon.

I did not want her getting in the way.

"Of what?" I asked, growing tired of his intentionally vague answers.

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