Chapter 3: New Schedule

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"Noah?" a female called from the other side of the golden yellow door. It was probably made of false wood. Probably. But it sure had some weight to it.

"Yes ma'am." I entered the room and immediately shook her hand. I waited for her to sit before I found a chair myself.

"Contrary to what you might believe, Mister Wilson doesn't hate you." I was genuinely surprised she'd hit the nail so accurately on the head. "In fact, he's quite fond of you in private."

"If it's all the same, Ma'am, do you mind telling me why he was so happy to see me leave his class, not three minutes ago?" I asked.

"Out?" She removed her glasses from the tip of her nose and held them as she leaned on her hand, smiling. "Noah, he's relocating you to his top class." She sighed and chuckled to herself. "He didn't tell you this?" I shook my head. she sighed, "Of course not. Well, Noah, Mister Wilson's poor attempt at humor aside, I've rearranged you schedule slightly. You will now have Biology-101 first period in room 133, chorus third period in the usual room, and fourth period is now your study hall. Other than those three changes, you have the same schedule for periods two, five, six, and seven. Do you have any questions?"

"Why is he moving me up exactly?"

"According to him, you're a very talented individual. But judging from what you've already told me, this is the first time you've probably heard Eric speak of you this way." I nodded to her rhetorical comment. "Your two families are old friends from what he tells me. Correct?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Please call me Paula. I don't like my students feeling there is a barrier between us. You can speak as freely as you wish in this room, okay?" Her voice was calming.

I responded the same, "Yes ma'am."

A low chuckled sounded behind me and nearly threw me from my chair. Had I not been holding onto the arms, I would have been in my counselor's lap now. I spun slowly, curious to see who'd entered the room without my knowing it but found no one.

"Is everything alright, Noah?" She asked, now looking passed me and to the inanimate door I'd been so shocked by all of a sudden. When I nodded and took a deep breath to calm myself, she went on. "As a family friend I can understand how he might be afraid to show favoritism towards you or your sister, should she take his class at some point. But though he may not tell you, he is very proud of the influence your voice has on those around you. He doesn't understand why you still haven't auditioned for his advanced class, so rather than wait, he took it upon himself to move you there the first chance he got when he arrived this morning."

I'd gotten Mister Wilson all wrong. Though I didn't understand it completely, the fact that he cared was now clear to me. Not only that but he'd gone as far as to praise me. It didn't have to be to my face, just the action was all I'd needed to boost my morale for the day. I now had a teacher who cared about my future. This day was turning out alright.

"Which begs me to ask," she began curiously, "why is it that you haven't auditioned for him?"

My newfound confidence flew out the window with her question. As if it had been scared from the room. "I don't know." The number one response a teenager could give an adult. The one that implied there was far more going on beneath the surface of teenage angst. I'd read the literature.

"Are you frightened of not making it?" she asked.

"He's frightened of standing out."

This time I stood from my chair and scanned the entire 12' by 14' room, turning my counselor's direction every so often to verify her startled expression. For a moment, I felt relief, knowing I hadn't been the only one to hear the voice, but the more I examined her features, the less I saw of her curiosity. She was confused... by me?

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