Chapter 47

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The Separian had gathered around the lobby before the front door. Mike waited for me at the bottom as Marissa and Quinn helped me descend the main stairs. I could not read a single mind, hear the quietest of comments, or see anything but the forced smiles they all wore. Not one of them wished to see me leave. Even Mike, in all his forced happiness could barely stand the sight of me as I reached the base of the steps. He told me not long ago that he saw me as nothing less than a brother. I wondered how he must have felt now that I was leaving him. Did he resent me? Did he feel sorry for me? I didn't know. And I wouldn't know unless I asked or he read through my expression. He was good at that.

Quinn moved from my side toward Nelson's. He didn't appear in the least bit put out by her actions. No one else seemed to question it either. I'd missed mountains since I'd been cut off.

Marissa helped me across the lobby floor and to the front door. I was not given every detail of what would happen, but Marissa and Quinn had spent several hours trying to ready everything for my departure. According to them, my transportation had been taken care of, along with accommodations and any supplies I might need for the trip. The bag I carried had two changes of clothes, an empty notebook, several pens, and a printed receipt for the accommodations I would be staying in at the end of the first leg. I was told not to look inside until I was already out of sight of this place.

When I reached the front door, I still could not decide if those around me were upset with me or just sad to see me go.

"Both," Marissa said. It surprised me when she'd been the one to answer my inaudible question and not Mike. I gave her far less credit than she deserved.

The driveway was not empty. The black Chevy "deathtrap" was parked a few feet off the porch. Mike made his way around the car and to the driver's seat. I wasn't driving myself?

"Not in this lifetime," Quinn said from behind me. "See me when you grow some facial hair and we'll talk about it."

Without thinking, I rubbed the skin on my chin and cheeks. I knew I wasn't particularly old and facial hair was perhaps further away than I cared to confess, but I grew slightly more depressed when I didn't feel even one prickle. Six months I'd been away from home. I was halfway to seventeen and I had nothing but a bunch of scars to show for it.

"Don't scratch it," Quinn told Mike.

He smiled and took a seat. Marissa held my door for me as I slowly lowered myself onto the smooth leather seat and placed my bag on the floor in front of me. My door closed and she leaned in through the window.

"Are you feeling better after last night?" she asked.

I shook my head, "I've got a long way to go before I can feel some variation of better." Mike turned the keys and the machine roared.

"All of this will be waiting for you when you do." She kissed my forehead and smacked the top of the car.

"Lucky you," Mike said as he threw the car into first and pulled away from the scene. "I've been trying to get one of those for days."

"From Marissa?" I asked, glad I could take the attention away from myself. "Are you not mad at her anymore?"

"For messing with my head?" he laughed. "Noah, let me tell you a thing or two about women."

For an hour at least, Mike went on about his attraction to Marissa. It was no secret, at least not to anyone but me, but even when I could read him like a book, I must admit I'd never once felt an open attraction from him towards her. Did that mean he was good at hiding it or that I was just plain oblivious? Another question, but one I was sure I could do without an answer to.

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