Chapter 41

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The barrier dropped for a split second and shot right back up the moment she stepped through the doorway, Stephanie hot on her heels. There hadn't been enough time for either one of them to react before they were knocked away from the entrance and into the center of the room. The five of us were now boxed in. The door was covered, all possible exits both on this floor and what was left of the second were blocked off; the building was a prison. Four walls, a roof, and what felt like more than just one hundred twenty-seven bodies forced the containment. We weren't going anywhere.

"This is why you failed. Not because we were stronger, faster, or more physically developed than you. Simply because we are smarter." He'd been alive at least twice as long as I had. His rationalization already had sixteen years over mine. Not to mention the training he'd undergone as a Deseparian; I assumed there was training. "That scar encompassing half of your friends face, the broken bones and exposed muscle of his companion, the sheer number of bodies we have over you; do you think this is all just coincidence?"

Why did you not say something? Stephanie's vigor was a welcomed addition. Our numbers had increased from three to five. Perhaps there was a greater chance of us making it out of this now.

We tried. I looked at the scorch marks that never made it passed the inner walls and sighed. Believe me, we tried. Marissa and Stephanie filled themselves in, rummaging through the memories of Blake, Mike, and myself until they were up to speed.

Are you going to be alright, Blake? Marissa asked, back stepping until she could touch him with her hand. Do you need to take a minute?

Now that he is done impersonating us, we no longer have that luxury. The oversized man slipped through the ranks of our enemy and made his way to the front. His Deseparian half had already rejoined with him. The reason behind their action was a mystery to me, like many of his thoughts. I wanted to know how he was doing it. All of the other Deseparian were capable of this and each of them did it without batting an eyelash. But this man was different. He was better at it.

Seriously weakened, outnumbered, and outmatched; the mystery surrounding them all, especially this one man, swirled around in my head. It was all I could do to ignore my selfish questions and focus on what was right in front of me. I didn't want to lose anyone else. Not after everything I'd survived just to get to this point. When was it supposed to stop? After the war? I wasn't convinced. If this was what we were up against, we didn't stand a chance.

You are stronger than this, Noah. Do not forget who you are. That voice again. But more than that, do not forget what you are.

The scar over my forearm began to glow, reacting to the voice. Mike's arm began to glow next, followed by Blake's, Marissa's, and then Stephanie's. The strength I'd lost up until now was  returning. Every new word she spoke brought forth life within me, as if I were catching my second and even third wind. However, this sensation was incomparable. The nostalgic feeling I got simply by standing close to another Separian was being amplified nearly tenfold. I felt invincible.

Aufer primo gradu continentiam. Vere tu es produceret.

I could not translate the words, much less understand their intention. As this strange language filled my thoughts, my ribs began to burn. Hot. I resisted doubling over in pain as the first line on my torso began glowing just like my forearm and then vanished from my skin completely. When it had disappeared, the burning sensation was gone. So was my fatigue.

Noah, what's wrong? I hadn't caught who'd said it.

The enemy watched too. I couldn't tell if they were impressed or confused as my body slowly rose another inch beyond my initial height. I knew because Mike used to be taller than me. Now my eyes were on level with his. The body of that monstrous man was still much larger than either of us, but somebody was giving me a chance to at least put up a fight. I planned to take it.

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