Chapter 17

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November 10th


It's been two weeks since I came to this house. I know it's been a while since I've written to you.

John has been nothing short of a friend to me. A mentor, even. He allows me to use his study whenever I needed time to think, time apart from everyone else, or time to reread through anything I might have missed. I've been through every book on his shelves dealing with Alchemy, Latin, all the different Greek dialects, and the history of the Mayans and Zodiacs twice. I'm not sleeping, but I'll get back to that. Nothing else that we had in the house I was confined to was going to help me any further.

He also offers any help where he can, whether it be something small and insignificant that he remembers or a full frontal assault in retrieving information for me from any number of sources; the library, the internet, I didn't doubt he would even utilize the neighbors if the opportunity presented itself.

John and Myra host meetings every Tuesday and Thursday night from 6:00pm to 9:30pm for all of the local officers to swing by and grab a small bite to eat while on their rounds and the ones who aren't and can sit around for a beer or two. Even some of the neighbors who aren't officers or family come over to join the celebration.

During those times, I'm confined to my room. Amy is nice enough to fix me a plate on those nights, even though I tell her she doesn't have to. Her siblings are not confined like I am, however, they are asked to remain out of the way, so as not to badger the guests too much. The three of them continue to steer clear of me as much as possible. Two nights ago, I got caught on the steps with Clark, Amy's six-year-old brother. He smiled as he passed by me and then picked up the pace the moment he was out of my reach. Simon, twelve, the oldest of the three, and Becky, just a year younger than Simon, do everything they can to avoid me. During dinner time, I've chosen to remain in my room until the three of them are finished eating. Amy understands that I like time alone but has made an effort to wait with me, sharing stories about her life and how she got to where she is now while we wait.

She's only eighteen years old. I'd put her around there when we'd first met. She'd graduated from high school when she was as old as I am now. That, I wasn't expecting. "Not a prodigy," she says, "Just intelligent. Remember the difference." But I don't believe her. Graduating as a sophomore, already pushing through to her third year in medical school, and not having to worry about paying a cent of the cost due to scholarships and grants well above what a sophomore should be receiving. Prodigy or not, she was lucky, if nothing else. I couldn't bother doing anything more than what I needed to get by, but she was just as driven as my sister, Maybe even more so. Never looking back, always pressing forward.

I made sure to apologize to her once a night before falling asleep for anything I might have said rudely or out of turn. She waved it off most nights, but the smile she walked away with as she said goodnight was all I needed to know it was more than empty words.

She has also started carrying around a camera. A big black one. According to John, she's owned it since before I showed up and only recently brought it back out again. I managed to catch her unloading film from a canister while passing by after a shower. She noticed me immediately and closed the door. I didn't ask and she didn't bring it up.

To tell the truth, I'm starting to wonder about Amy, more than just making sure I treat her with the respect she deserves. I found myself staring at her the other day. Not saying a word, oblivious to the fact that anyone, including her, could see me if they wanted. Still, I stared. Wondering... But I know I shouldn't. I know I'm away from home, and I know that until this life I'm living becomes safe to share with others, I can't go back. But it's not just that. I still feel somehow attached to you even after what you did to me. I feel acting on these emotions would betray you in some way...

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