Chapter 8: Rose

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You spent that day getting to know the members of the pack. Well you tried. Taehyung was cold and standoffish. He didn't seem to want anything to do with you or Daisy. He eventually just went out for a run.

The others however were a little more open. Jin, the Beta and Namjoon's right hand, was warm, confident, and funny. He really seemed to put everyone at ease. Namjoon told you it made him easier to approach for the younger pack mates. Jin also seemed to have a never ending supply of dad jokes. He'd crack himself up all the time. Daisy would roll her eyes at him and he'd just wink at her. They seemed to be in step with one another. You wondered if that is what you and a Namjoon would be like.

Then there was Yoongi, if Jin was Namjoon's right then Yoongi was his left. He was quite and reserved. He was intelligent and eloquent when he wanted. He was in charge of the pack finances which were apparently vast considering they lived long lives and they had Taehyung who had a talent for investing. So their resources were vast. Yoongi was very kind and helped you understand the dynamics of the pack better. You thought you and he would become good friends.

Hoseok or Hobi was loud and boisterous. He was the pack healer. He'd apparently went to medical school at one point in his life and was doctor. Namjoon said that it wasn't exactly Hobi's decision to become a doctor. His parents had forced him. Hobi actually loved to dance. You watched the happy boy bounce from pack member to pack member making each one light up in turn.

Jimin was interesting. He was flirty and coy. He seemed to relish in making you and Daisy flustered. He never went to far. He just danced along the line. He was really going in on you when Namjoon finally gave a low noise of warning. Jimin threw up his hands in surrender and smiled innocently. Namjoon huffed and rolled his eyes at the younger boy.

Jungkook was the youngest and according to Namjoon the strongest. He should by all accounts be an alpha himself. Jungkook however was content with his pack and his place in it. He had a talent for tracking. He was sweet as well. He had one of those innocent faces that automatically made you want to protect him.

As the day came to a close you and Namjoon were cuddling on his couch in his wing of the house. He had you in his lap and his fingers were running your scalp gently. You wished you could stay forever but you had to go home. You had to work tomorrow. You sighed deeply and looked up at Namjoon. He looked down as if sensing your change in mood. His face flooded with concern.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I have to go home." You said quietly.

"You are home." He said confused.

"Namjoon... I have work tomorrow... I can't go in just your t shirt and shorts. I have to go back to my apartment." You explained.

"Ah..." Namjoon said his face unreadable as he processed the information you'd given him.

"I'll be back." You said kissing his neck.

"Oh I know you will." He said chuckling slightly then leaning so his mouth was next to your ear, "but if you think you are leaving this house without me, you are sorely mistaken, little mate."

His words sent a shiver down your spine. He gently took you from his lap and went to his bedroom. You sat and waited. He emerged with a bag thrown over his shoulder. He extended his hand to you. You took it and grabbed your purse. He led you to the front door.

"Wait here." He said as he went down the hall where Jin's rooms were.

You heard footsteps coming and you perked up thinking it was him. It wasn't however. Taehyung emerged from the hall. He was sweaty and panting. He looked like he'd been in a fight or something. He was scratched up and bleeding.

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