Chapter 7: Rose

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You had watched Namjoon leave and were left with even more questions than answers. What would he have to show to explain the weird terminology they were all using? Is it something so terrible that you would need to be afraid? He had implied that you could be scared by what he had to show you. You didn't feel afraid. You were nervous and curious. You  didn't know why you felt like you could trust Namjoon, but you just did. It was like something deep inside your very being was telling you to be near him.

You dressed in a pair of his shorts and a hoodie. You left Namjoon's wing and headed down the stairs. You were nearly knocked down by an angry looking Taehyung. He quietly apologized and hurried down the corridor. You heard a door slam. You jumped at the loud noise. You made it down the stairs where you were greeted by Hoseok, Jin, and a woman from town, Daisy. Daisy was hovering near Jin, who would occasionally place a hand at the small of her back or around her waist. They were clearly in a relationship. You found it odd since Daisy was known as a workaholic. When had she found time to date Jin?

"Backyard is that way." Hobi said.

"Ok.." You said nervously.

"I'll go with you." Daisy said smiling softly.

"Are you sure?" Jin asked his eyes full of concern.

"Yes, the information can be a bit overwhelming. She needs to know that she isn't crazy, or alone in having to keep this secret." Daisy said simply.

"Wow, Hyung... How did you get such a wise one?" Hobi asked impressed.

"She can't be that wise... she's with Jin." Came the grumbly voice of Yoongi.

Jin glared at Yoongi  and then smiled warmly at Daisy. She smiled back and took your arm. She led you to the backyard which had a pool and patio. You looked around to find Namjoon. You saw him at the edge of the woods that surrounded the property.

"No matter what happens try to remember how he makes you feel. That he is still the person you want more than anything. I know that doesn't make sense since you just met..." Daisy said quietly.

"That's true though. I can't explain my feelings. He's like the thing I have been missing..." You said trailing off.

You watched as slowly Namjoon who had been standing at the edge of the property line disappeared. There in his place was a giant white wolf. Where had Namjoon gone? Did the wolf eat him? You began to panic slightly was the wolf began to approach. There as no Namjoon, only the great, white wolf. Only the wolf... alpha... mate... Holy shit...

"Oh my god..." you breathed.

"Yep." Daisy said.

"Are they all?" You asked not taking your eyes from the wolf's progress.

"Yep." She answered simply.

"Fuck me..." you said and Daisy giggled.

"I'll leave, so that he can further explain. If you ever want to talk Rose about all this let me know. I am also new to this. So we will be learning together. Our boys there important to this family. We have to be strong for them. We have to lean on each other." Daisy said leaving you alone.

The wolf stopped about six feet away from you. He sat on the ground and waited. He was letting you process the information before you. Namjoon was a wolf... A beautiful white wolf. The fur was snowy white and his eyes burned a glowing amber color. He looked steady and calm. His tail twitched slightly making his nervousness known.

You took a deep breath. None of your feelings toward Namjoon had changed. You still felt this need to be near him and with him. You still were attracted to him. He hadn't stopped being the man you'd met only a few hours ago. In fact, this information made it all make sense in way. This abnormal attachment to him after just meeting. The insane chemistry that was mental, emotional, and physical. It was because he wasn't normal. He was supernatural. That surprisingly didn't frighten you. It excited you.

"I have questions." You said simply.

You watched as his body contorted into its human form. He stood before you beautiful and naked. He moved toward you slowly. His eyes never leaving your face trying to gauge to the reaction on your face. He grabbed a pair of shorts from the table next to you and slipped them on. He sat in one of the patio chairs and motioned for you to do the same. You took the seat next to him. You took another deep breath.

"So what exactly are you?" You asked softly.

"I am a shifter, a wolf shifter to be exact. That means I change at will. I don't require a full moon. I am also the alpha of my pack. I am their leader. I make decisions for the pack with their approval. Everyone gets a say. Jin is my Beta or second in command he takes care of the day to day workings of the pack." Namjoon explained.

"Oh... Were you born this way?" You asked nodding your head.

"Yes." Namjoon answered simply.

"Does it hurt?" You asked concerned.

"No." He said with a chuckle.

"Jin has a mate... do you?" You asked your heart racing.

What if he did? What if you were just a fling he wanted to get out of his system? Doubt clouded your every thought. Suddenly his hands were on your face forcing you to look at him. He studied your face and smiled.

"I do. I have a mate. I only just found her." He said looking at you still smiling.

You pulled away as your heart dropped. Of course he a mate he was too perfect. He'd lured you here to get one last one night stand in. He'd used his Wolff magic. You were disgusted with him and yourself for being stupid. You pushed yourself up and walked away.

"Rose? Where are you going?" Namjoon said as you heard him push his chair pack.

"I wouldn't want to get in the way of you and your new mate..." You said holding back tears.

Suddenly you were whirled around and pressed up against the house. Namjoon looming over you. Dominance oozing off of him. He looked you up and down. He licked his lips. He slowly leaned toward your ear.

"Silly human. You are my mate." He whispered in your ear.

"Me?" You squeaked out.

"Yes, you. You can feel it, too. I know you can. You want me: mind," he said as he kissed your temple.

"Soul," he said and kissed your chest above your heart.

"And body." He said running his hands over your breasts and down around your ass lifting you.

You wrapped your legs around his middle. He pressed himself against your core eliciting a moan from you. He chuckled darkly. He kissed your neck and nipped at all your available skin.

"I do. It doesn't make sense though." You say breathily.

"That is because it is a special kind of magic that you as human aren't aware of unless you happen to be the mate of a shifter." He said withdrawing from his mouth's work on your skin.

"I see." You say running a hand through his soft hair.

"Are you ok?" He asked seriously.

"Yes. I have always felt out of step from the rest of the world. I felt like I was alone and didn't belong. When I met you it was like... it felt like..." you say trying to find the right words.

"Home." He hummed into your neck.

"Yes. I have never had that." You said quietly hugging him to you.

"You will have it everyday until my last day." He said drawing back to kiss you.

The kiss began to escalate into a passions frenzy that was involving groping. Namjoon was grinding his hardened cock against you to make you moan. He loved the noise you made.

"Alpha! Jin says breakfast is ready. He also said not to fuck on the patio!" Jimin yelled out the door.

You both giggled a little. He chastely kissed you and set you down.

"Coming!" He called.

He took your hand and pulled you to the house. You felt for the first time complete.

The Alpha's Mate {Book One of the BTS Wolf Pack Shifter Series}Where stories live. Discover now