Chapter Three - Xanatos

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Following her instincts, Elisa made her way to the Eyrie Building with the Gargoyles watching her from a safe distance. As Elisa entered the building, she was greeted by Xanatos's right hand man Owen Burnett.

Burnett: Detective Maza. What brings you here at this hour?

Elisa: I'm here to talk to Xanatos. I have some questions for him.

Burnett: I'm afraid that's not possible. Mr. Xanatos is a busy man.

Elisa: Then he's going to have to make time. Not unless he wants to be sent back to prison.

Burnett: Unless you have a warrant, I'm going to have to ask you to leave or I'll have security escort you from the premises.

As Burnett said this, Elisa became confrontational with him. Elisa was prepared to force her way to Xanatos's office to interrogate him. Before she could formulate a plan, David Xanatos enters the room. 

Xanatos: That won't be necessary, Owen. I'm sure I can make time with Detective Maza. 

With that, Elisa was granted an audience with Xanatos. Elisa followed Xanatos to his office. Once they went inside, Xanatos poured himself a glass of scotch. 

Xanatos: Care for a drink, Detective Maza? 

Elisa: I didn't come here for drinks. I came here for answers. 

Xanatos: Very well. Ask and I will answer whatever I can. 

Elisa: I was in a shootout with Blackjack and his gang. When we moved in on him, his gang were brutally slaughtered. Skinned and hanging from the rafters. 

Xanatos: And you assume I had something to do with that unpleasant business?

Elisa: I have my suspicions. I know Blackjack and his gang were associates of yours until you had a falling out. 

Xanatos was mildly impressed with Elisa's deductive skills. As he finished his drink, he sat in his desk. 

Xanatos: I assume friends are overseeing this meeting? 

Elisa: Let's just say they're making sure you don't try anything funny. 

Xanatos: Despite what you may believe, I had nothing to do with what happened to Blackjack and his gang. 

Elisa: And how do I know otherwise? You've had people killed before. 

Xanatos: The first rule to solving any crime is to ask one simple question: who benefits? While on the surface it might seem that I benefit from the demise of Blackjack and his gang, but if you look deeper, you'll find that to be not the case. While Blackjack could've blackmailed me for money, he was frankly too stupid to act out on this. Killing Blackjack wouldn't have benefitted me. In fact, it would've been disastrous for me in the long run. 

Elisa was caught off guard at how quickly and eloquently Xanatos was able to construct a foolproof alibi. Despite this, Elisa still had her suspicions about Xanatos. 

Elisa: You could easily have hired Jackal and Hyena to kill them. 

Xanatos: I could've, but that still wouldn't have benefited me. Killing Blackjack and his gang would've gained me nothing but grief. Whoever did seems to be operating on a different set of rules that you're used to. 

Elisa: You're telling me that we're dealing with a new player in town? 

Xanatos: That seems to be the case, isn't it? 

Xanatos then hands a file over to Elisa. Elisa then opens the file and sees various newspaper articles detailing grisly murders. 

Elisa: What does this have to do with anything? 

Xanatos: Look closely, Detective Maza.

Elisa looks at the articles closely. Immediately, she notices a strange connection between the murders in the newspaper articles and the murder of Blackjack's gang. The connection seems all too clear. Not only that, but it seemed to be worldwide. 

Elisa: Where did you get these?

Xanatos: I have my sources, Detective Maza. You of all people should know this. 

Elisa: Noted. Why give me this file? What's your endgame?

Xanatos: Because something is here. What that is I don't know. What I do know is that whatever it is, it's here. It's clear that it doesn't follow the same rules as you or I for that matter. It clearly isn't a Gargoyle, but it seems not quite human.

It soon became clear that Xanatos had somewhat of an understanding of what was going on. 

Elisa: You know something, don't you? 

Xanatos: Not as much as I'd like. I know as much as you do now. Perhaps it's human. Perhaps it's not. Perhaps it's something neither of us are aware of. If I were you, Detective Marza, I'd watch myself out there. It's a dangerous world as you know. 

Elisa: I can handle myself, Xanatos. And besides, you know the company I keep.

Xanatos chuckles as he finishes his glass of scotch. He looked out the window of his office and could see the silhouettes of the Gargoyles watching him. He could easily see Goliath's eyes watching him closely. While most would've been terrified at this sight, Xanatos was simply amused. 

Xanatos: Will that be all, Detective Maza?

Elisa: Yeah. We're done...for now. 

Xanatos: Keep the file. Consider it a gift. Happy hunting. 

With that, Elisa left the Eyrie Building with very few answers about the circumstances behind the brutal murder of Blackjack's gang. What she now knew was that this wasn't an isolated incident. What she didn't know was that this was the work of a skilled and deadly hunter who sought worthy prey. What she didn't know was that the Gargoyles of the Manhattan Clan would soon be targeted by the Predator for his bloody hunt. 

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