Chapter Five - A Promising Lead

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After the events of last night, Elisa met up with David Johns along with Danny and Adeline at the 23rd Precinct to discuss the case.

David: Last night, Detective Maza was pursuing the suspect connected with the murder of Blackjack and his gang. Unfortunately, the suspect prove more....dangerous than we thought.

Danny: That's an understatement of the century, Captain. We're dealing with a bastard that can blow choppers out of the fucking sky!

Adeline: We're obviously not dealing with some low level psychopath. Whoever or whatever he is, he's dangerous. 

Elisa took a moment to reflect on this. She had no idea what she saw. However, she knew full well that the Predator was not human, but she wasn't sure what it was. 

Elisa: Has forensics found anything at the crime scene? 

David: Nothing we can use. This bastard's covered his tracks. 

Danny: So what's our plan? Just wait around with thumbs up our asses?

Elisa: When I went to question Xanatos, he gave me these files. 

Elisa then hands the files over to David. David along with Danny and Adeline look over the files only to find accounts of murders similar to the murder of Blackjack and his gang. They find one account involving a Spec-Ops team in Guatemala detailing a strange creature. 

Danny: The fuck is this shit?

Adeline: Fits our killer. 

Danny: Well from this account is describing, we're dealing with a fucking alien. Crazy shit. 

David: Hold on, check this one out. 

David soon points out an account involving an incident in Los Angeles. David takes a special interest in this particular account. 

Elisa: Captain? 

David: I remember this. Los Angeles, 1997. I was working with the LAPD under the command of Lieutenant Mike Harrigan. We were assigned to but the Colombian and Jamaican drug gangs that were operating in the city. Butt something happened. I don't know what.

Upon hearing this, Elisa saw a promising lead. 

Elisa: Is Lieutenant Harrigan still alive?

David: He was last I heard. Moved out of LA shortly after. He retired and moved into an apartment building. 

Elisa: You think he could help us? 

David: Here's something you need to understand. He's....he's aggressive. Whatever happened really fucked him up. 

Elisa: Maybe I could pay him a visit. If he knows something, shouldn't we try? 

David took a moment to consider his options. While it was possible that Mike Harrigan might know something about the killer, the killer was still out there and it showed no signs of stopping. However, he also understood that Harrigan might just be the only lead that lead them to the killer. 

David: All right, Maza. We'll pay Mike a visit.

Elisa: We, sir? 

David: I'm coming with you. I know where Mike's living these days. Besides, he's not exactly a people person. Believe me, I know. So if you're really gonna question Mike about what happened, then you should at least have someone with you who knows him. 

Danny: What about us? 

David: You and Detective Valentine are gonna patrol the city. Our killer's out there. 

Adeline: What makes you think he's still in the city? 

David: Because there's something here in the city that he wants. He could've left the moment he killed Blackjack and his gang, but he didn't. Any else would've left the city by now, but our guy didn't. There's something here that's keeping him here. If we can find out what that is, we can use it to take the son of a bitch down. 

With that, Danny and Adeline left the room to begin their patrol. David took a sip from his flask. 

Elisa: You okay, Captain?

David: I'll be fine, Maza. I've seen some shit in my time as a cop, but this is something different. 

Elisa couldn't help but relate with the veteran NYPD captain. In her time as a Police Detective, she finds herself working with a clan of Gargoyles and embroiled in a complex Machiavellian plot with David Xanatos. Now there was a possibility that the killer they were dealing with was in fact an alien from another planet. 

Elisa: I'll meet you at car, David. I need to collect some stuff from the clocktower. 

David: Don't take too long. 

With that, Elisa made her way to the clocktower while David went to the car. She soon meets up with the Manhattan Clan just as they were awakening from their stone slumber. She proceeds to tell them about what was going down and asks the Gargoyles to patrol the city. Goliath was hesitant to let Elisa go on her own. 

Goliath: I don't like leaving you alone with this monster out there. 

Elisa: I'll be fine, Goliath. I'll have Captain Johns with me. You and the others are needed in the city. 

Hudson: She's right, Goliath. This monster is out there and it demands our attention. 

Goliath: If you believe that this course of action is necessary, then I will respect it. All that I ask is that you be careful.

Elisa: I'll be fine, Goliath. Captain Johns will be with me. He's a good cop. I trust him. 

Hudson: We should get moving. We must be prepared when the monster strikes. 

With that, Elisa and the Gargoyles parted ways for now as the Predator continued it's hunt in the concrete jungle of New York. And the Predator was only getting started as he sets his eyes on the Gargoyles, knowing that they would be worthy prey to hunt. 

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