Chapter Four - First Encounter

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After her meeting with Xanatos, Elisa left the Eyrie Building. As she does so, the Gargoyles of the Manhattan Clan meet up with her.

Goliath: Were you able to uncover any information from Xanatos.

Elisa: He's clean, but he knows something. He gave me this.

Elisa then shows the Gargoyles the file Xanatos had given her. Upon seeing the contents of the file, the Gargoyles were disturbed.

Broadway: Whoa....

Hudson looked upon the reports about the murders. There was something familiar in which the murders were carried out. What caught his eye was that body parts were missing from the victims. 

Goliath: Hudson?

Hudson: There's...there's something familiar about these killings. Based on these reports, this...this killer has a habit of taking trophies from those he kills. 

Elisa: Yeah. All of Blackjack's goons were skinned and were hung upside down.

Brooklyn: Whoever we're dealing with is a real sicko! 

Broadway: You can say that again!

As the Elisa and the Gargoyles looked over the files, Goliath and Hudson sensed something among them. Goliath and Hudson looked to the rooftop of the Eyrie Building to see a pair of yellow glowing eyes staring back at them. 

Goliath: Hudson, do you....

Hudson: Aye, Goliath. I see it. We're not alone. 

Without hesitation, Goliath and Hudson began following the cloaked figure. It wasn't long before the other Gargoyles began following them. Elisa followed them from the streets. 

Brooklyn: What's going on?!

Hudson: We might've found our killer!

Goliath: Do not lose him!

As the Gargoyles chased after the figure they don't know to be the Predator, a plasma blast is shot at the Gargoyles. 

Broadway: Whoa! What was that?! 

Meanwhile on the streets, Elisa could see the plasma shot on the roof. It was unlike anything she's ever seen. 

Elisa: What the....

As Elisa witnessed this, her first instinct was to call for backup. She reaches for her phone and calls Captain David Johns. 

Elisa: Captain! I have contact with the suspect! He's running across the rooftops! South on 5th street, over! 

David(Phone): I'm sending a chopper to your position! 

As Elisa hands up her phone, she pulls out her pistol and begins shooting at the cloaked Predator. While most of her shots miss, she managed to hit something which causes a loud and inhuman scream. Soon enough, the cloaked Predator is cornered by the Gargoyles. 

Goliath: You are cornered. Reveal yourself. 

Suddenly, a police helicopter arrives and shines a spotlight on the Gargoyles. A voice then speaks from the intercom. 


Broadway: What're we going to do?!

Seeing an opportunity, the Predator fires it's Plasma Castor at the helicopter. Elisa was shocked to see the helicopter being shot down by a single shot. In the chaos, the Predator makes his escape while the Gargoyles rush over to the downed chopper. 

Goliath: Elisa! Are you okay?

Elisa: I'm fine, Goliath. 

Broadway: Did you see that?!

Suddenly, police sirens were heard. Not wanting to be discovered, the Gargoyles disappeared into the night just as the police car arrives on the scene. David along with Danny Harris and Adeline Valentine exit the car. 

Danny: What the fuck happened here?! 

Elisa: I....I don't know. The suspect shot the chopper down with...with some kind of weapon. I've never seen anything like it.

Adeline: Were you able to ID the suspect? 

Elisa: I...I couldn't get a good look on the guy. But I'm certain he's the one we're looking for. 

David: Then we're not dealing with some low level psycho. We're dealing with a professional. Harris, go check the chopper for any survivors.

Danny: On it, Captain

Danny then began checking the downed police helicopter for any survivors. Elisa couldn't get that scream out of her mind. It was clearly inhuman. She then thought about what Xanatos had said to her. It was clear that whoever or whatever she was dealing with, it played by a completely different set of rules. 

David: What a goddamn mess.

Elisa: I'm sorry, Captain.

David: Don't beat yourself up, Maza. We'll get this guy. 

As David said this, Danny meets up with the rest of the group to inform them of his findings. 

Danny: Bad news, Captain. They're all dead. Looks like we're dealing with someone with some serious firepower. 

Adeline: What's our next move? 

David: We'll get forensics here to scan the area for any clues that could lead us to this son of a bitch. 

With that, the NYPD set up a crime scene of the area. Meanwhile, Hudson returned to where the cloaked Predator was. He saw glowing green blood on the ground. 

Hudson: What the...

Hudson looked upon the blood with curiosity. Before he could investigate the blood further, Hudson looked up to see the Sun rising. Hudson was forced to leave the area and make it back to the clocktower. As the Gargoyles assumed their position, the Sun rose and the Gargoyles turned to stone. As the Gargoyles were turned to stone, the wounded Predator decloaks and inspects the Gargoyles that were now encased in stone. He walks over to the statue of Goliath and places his hand on it. The Predator took an interest in the Gargoyles. The Predator's encounter with the Gargoyles demonstrated that they were worthy prey. The Predator then leaves, not attempting to destroy the Gargoyles in the stone slumber. He would take this time to heal from his wounds. For the Predator, he had found worthy prey in the Gargoyles. 

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