Chapter Seven - Thrill Of The Hunt

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As Elisa and David spoke with Mike Harrigan, Danny and Adeline were patrolling the streets in search of the Predator. As Adeline drove the car, Danny reloads his pistol.

Adeline: Are you expecting a fight?

Danny: Considering what we're dealing with, I'm not about to let some nutjob get the drop on me.

Adeline: We still don't know what we're dealing with. We need to be careful.

Danny: Relax, Addie. We'll get this son of a bitch.

As they patrolled the streets, they find no trace of the Predator. Meanwhile, the Gargoyles of the Manhattan Clan conduct their own search for the Predator. As they searched the city, they find nothing.

Brooklyn: We've searched the whole city and still no trace of this guy!

Lexington: Whoever or whatever this guy is, he's gotta have some pretty impressive tech!

As the Manhattan Clan searched for the Predator, Hudson was quiet. It didn't take long for Goliath to notice.

Goliath: What troubles you, Hudson?

Hudson: I...I believe I know what we're hunting.

Broadway: Really?

Hudson: Aye. Long ago before you were all born, I fought a creature that came from the stars. It had hunted the greatest warriors of the kingdom. They died in the same ways that these criminals were killed.

Goliath: Did you fight this creature?

Hudson: Aye. After 3 days of searching, I came face to face with it. We fought an intense battle which lasted 3 days. It took everything I had to bring him down. It was.....unlike anything I've ever faced before or ever since.

As Hudson recounted his previous encounter with a Predator, the rest of the Manhattan Clan were stunned. For Goliath, he knew that the Predator would no doubt hunt them as prey.

Goliath: Then we must proceed with caution. If what Hudson is saying is true, then we face an enemy unlike anything we've ever faced before.

With that, the Gargoyles continued to search the city for the Predator as Danny and Adeline did the same. Back on the streets, Danny and Adeline found no signs of the Predator.

Danny: Looks like our psycho's gone quiet.

Adeline: Something's not right. I don't like this.

Suddenly, screams were heard nearby. As they stopped the car, a man covered in blood runs out of an alleyway. He points his gun and begins shooting into the alleyway.


As the man fired into the alleyway, Danny and Adeline got out of the car and took cover. As they did so, an unseen force stabs the man and lifts him into the air. The man spits out blood as he groans in pain. Danny and Adeline watched in horror as the Predator began to decloak. They watched as the Predator tore our the man's head an spine.

Danny: What the fuck?!

Without hesitation, Danny fires his pistol at the Predator, catching his attention. The Predator then lunges at the car and attacks Danny and Adeline.

Danny: You want some, motherfucker?! Come and get some!

As Danny fires at the Predator, Adeline rushes to the car and goes for the radio. Adeline then uses the radio to contact David.

Adeline: Captain Johns! This is Valentine! We have engaged the suspect! I repeat, we have engaged the suspect!

David(Radio): Get out of there, Valentine! You don't know what you're.....

Suddenly, the Predator thrusts his Wristblades at the car, destroying the radio in the process. Left with little time to react, Adeline reaches for her pistol and fires at the Predator. Most of her shots miss as the Predator reaches out and grabs her by the throat. Fear grips Adeline as the Predator stares at Adeline. As the Predator moves in for the kill, Danny shoots at the Predator, forcing him to drop Adeline. The Predator then turns to Danny who's clutching his side.

Danny: Hey, asshole! Over here!

The Predator walks over to Danny as Danny shoots at the Predator.


As Danny shoots at the Predator, the Predator lunges at Danny and fatally impales him in the chest with his Wristblades. Adeline watches in horror as the Predator holds Danny in the air.


As the Predator moves to claim a trophy from Danny, Adeline grabs her pistol and shoots at the Predator. wounding him in the process. The Predator drops Danny's body and lunges at Adeline. Adeline rolls out of the way and shoots at the Predator. The Predator then lunges at Adeline once more and grabs her by the neck. Suddenly, sirens were heard as Elisa and Johns arrive at the scene.


The Predator roars as he drops Adeline and lunges at Johns. Johns fires a few shots at the Predator, but the Predator easily overpowers Johns and grabs him by the neck. But as the Predator grips Johns, Elisa pounces on the Predator and attempts to put him in a chokehold. This doesn't last long as the Predator easily overpowers Elisa and slams her to the ground. As the Predator moves in on Elisa, Johns fires at the Predator.

David: I'm not done with you!

The Predator drops Elisa as he moves towards Johns. Despite knowing he was outmatched, Johns stood his ground.

David: Come and get me, you bastard!

In that moment, Johns stood face to face against the Predator. What Johns didn't know was that help would soon reach him and even the odds against the Predator.

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