Chapter Two - Investigation

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At the 23rd Precinct, the events of the police raid had raised many questions for Elisa. As Elisa looked over the photos of the crime scene, she begins drawing out potential suspects for the brutal murders. Among those on her suspect list were Jackal and Hyena given their psychopathic tendencies. She thought of Demona, but quickly ruled her out because of both her status as a Gargoyle and the fact that the attacks happened at day time. But the top of her suspect list was David Xanatos due to his various criminal dealings. After compiling her list of suspects, Elisa makes her way to the office of David Johns. 

Elisa: I'm heading out on patrol, Captain Johns. I have suspects to question.

David: You work fast, Detective Maza. Just be careful out there. Whoever skinned Blackjack's goons is still out there. 

Elisa: I'll be fine, David. 

David: I'm having Harris and Valentine search the hideout for anything that could help lead us to whoever did this. 

With that, Elisa left David's office and made her way to the clocktower just as the Manhattan Clan were awakening from their stone slumber. Lexington was working on some tech. Broadway was eating food while Brooklyn was doing pushups. Hudson was watching with TV with Bronx. As Elisa entered the Clock Tower, the Manhattan Clan greeted her. 

Broadway: Hey guys look! It's Elisa! 

Brooklyn: Don't know why you get so excited, Broadway. We see her every day!

Elisa: It's fine, Brooklyn. How are things around here?

Hudson: Things have been quiet here. 

Elisa: Is Goliath around?

As Elisa said this, Goliath entered the room. Elisa smiled as Goliath approached her and embraced her in a tender hug. As Goliath hugged her, he could feel something wrong. 

Goliath: What troubles you, Elisa? 

Elisa then proceeds to tell them about what happened at Blackjack's hideout. The Manhattan Clan were left disturbed upon hearing about how something slaughtered a gang of criminals as well as skinning them and hanging their bodies. 

Broadway: There goes my lunch....

Hudson: What kind of monster would do such a thing?

Eliza: Whoever or whatever did this managed to get in, kill all of Blackjack's gang, skin them and hang them on the ceiling before we got there. I managed to get this. 

Elisa then hands Goliath the spear point she took from the crime scene. The spearpoint catches Goliath's attention.

Goliath: I don't believe I've ever seen anything like this before. What of you, Hudson?

Goliath the hands Hudson the spear point. As Hudson inspects the spear point, the old Gargoyle couldn't help but see something familiar in it. 

Hudson: This is odd. I...I feel like I've seen this somewhere before. 

Goliath: Elisa, do you have any suspects? 

Elisa: Jackal and Hyena are possible suspects. The savage nature of the killings fit their M.O. I'm also not ruling out Xanatos. 

At that point, the Manhattan Clan shared Elisa's suspicions on Xanatos considering their history. Suddenly, Elisa got a call from David Johns. 

Elisa: Hold on. I gotta take this. 

Elisa then answers her cell phone. 

Elisa: Captain Johns? 

David(Phone): The forensics on that spearpoint from the crime scene just finished. 

Elisa: What did they find?

David(Phone): You're not gonna believe this, but the metal on this thing is listed as unknown. 

Elisa: Unknown? How could that be?

David(Phone): Your guess is as good as mine. This thing is weightless, yet it cuts like steel. Whoever this guy is, he's armed to the teeth with some advanced gear.  

Elisa: Thanks for the heads up. 

David(Phone): Be careful out there, Detective Maza. If you run into this guy, do not hesitate to call for backup. 

Elisa: I will. Thank you. 

As Elisa hangs up the phone, she begins to become more and more convinced of Xanatos's involvement with the killings. 

Lexington: Did Xanatos ever deal with these guys?

Elisa: Yeah. Blackjack and his gang did some jobs for Xanatos until they had a falling out. 

Hudson: For what reason?

Elisa: Blackjack got too greedy and he began asking Xanatos more money than he was willing to offer. Xanatos decided he wasn't worth the trouble so he cut ties with him and his gang. 

Broadway: You think Xanatos hired Jackal and Hyena to kill Blackjack and his gang?

Elisa: It's a strong possibility. Either way, I'm going to question Xanatos. 

Upon hearing Elisa's plan to question Xanatos about the murders, Goliath was hesitant. 

Goliath: I do not think that this is a wise idea, Elisa. If Xanatos is responsible for these murders, confronting him will only put you in danger. 

Elisa: There's no other option, Goliath. We need answers. 

Hudson: Perhaps a compromise can be reached, Goliath. We could escort Elisa and watch over her discretely. If anything happens, we'll intervene. 

Goliath was still hesitant about this, but he knew Elisa would go to Xanatos and question him. He feared for her safety, especially after hearing about the brutal murders from Elisa. 

Goliath: Very well. We will escort you to Xanatos and watch over you. No harm shall come to you. You have my word. 

Elisa: I think I can deal with that. 

Elisa then kisses Goliath in the cheek to reassure him. With that, the Manhattan Clan agreed to escort Elisa to the Eyrie Building to question David Xanatos on the murders. As they did that, the Predator continued hunting for worthy prey in Manhattan. A collision course was set between the Gargoyles of the Manhattan Clan and the Predator. 

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