36 | Indiana - Bonding

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I just might have a problem that you'll understand
We all need somebody to lean on

I just might have a problem that you'll understandWe all need somebody to lean on

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"Indiana!" The obnoxious voice was waking me from my deep sleep. "Stop ignoring me, I know you are awake."

That was how I woke up this morning, well afternoon. To someone obsessively banging on my door till the point I was awake. Is this how Harry felt when I woke him up?

Either way, I groaned and tossed the pillow I had covering my head onto the floor and groaned. I pulled the covers over my head just wanting to be in peace but that clearly was not going to happen.

"Can you shut the fuck up, Zayn?" I screamed to the man on the other side of the door. "I'm trying to fucking sleep."

"It's one in the afternoon, get the fuck up." He yelled back and I groaned pulling the cover even farther up.

"No!" I snapped like a little kid protesting to do anything. "Leave me alone."

"I'm not leaving until you come out here." Zayn spoke, and finally stopped knocking. "I've got something for us to do."

I sighed and threw the comforter off of my body, instantly being hit by the cool air that was flowing through my hotel room. I trudged my body to the door and opened it slowly giving Zayn a death stare as I saw his innocent smile.

"What the fuck do you want?" I deadpanned crossing my arms over my chest. I only had on a thin tank top with a pair of shorts and was feeling very exposed even though it was just Zayn.

"We are going somewhere tonight, and I don't think you have anything to wear." He said leaning against the door frame. "So get dressed."

"Is that an order?" I laughed finding it funny how bossy he was being, it's not like him.

"Fine," He sighed standing up from the doorframe. "Would you like to go shopping with me so we can go out to dinner tonight?"


This is a very strange event that Zayn is asking me to go with, and I feel like there's a catch to it. I would like to hangout with Zayn, but a dinner does not sound appealing.

"Are you taking me out on a date?" I teased him and he instantly go a serious look on his face.

"Fuck no!" He was quick to speak back making me laugh. "You think your boyfriend would let me take you on a date?"

"He's not my boyfriend." I pointed at him and waved my finger around. "He won't let you take me on a date but he'll let you take me out to dinner? Aren't those the same thing?"

"God you are quite the woman aren't you?" He asked and I nodded my head as I heard his bubbly laugh, I didn't hear it enough. "Louis was supposed to go with me, we like to find the richest restaurants we can and make fun of the snobs. But he bailed to go to a club with the rest of the boys and I'm sure as hell you don't want to go."

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