When We Met

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Dream leaned up against a tree on the shore of the river, staring down at his combat boots which had little wet pebbles sticking on the bottom. He knew those pebbles would get in his boots and annoy him as he trekked through the forest to get back home later, but that wasn't his main concern right now. He was more worried about George.

The last time Dream had seen him was about three days ago, before George had gotten sick and had to stay home for a few days. He had texted Dream that he would be coming back to the river that day, but Dream continued to have his worries, as he always did. No matter what George did Dream would worry about him and the possible outcome, which ranged from George getting slightly upset to death. George always turned out to be fine though, making everything Dream worried about pointless.


Dream snaps his head and smiles at the nickname to see George coming out from behind the forest trees, perfectly unharmed, with a huge adorable smile on his face.


Clay wandered through the huge forest, utterly lost and confused on where he was. Before it started as a fun little adventure with his friend Sapnap, until the two drifted apart and Clay had walked too far in the forest. With it only being only the second time Clay had stepped foot into the forest, you couldn't blame him for being scared. Plus, with him just being a worried person in general, this was a ride for him. He'd already planned what he would do when it got dark, start a fire, sleep and then after that slowly wait until he's somehow found or dies.

Just as he starts giving up, ready to make a fire and cry, he hears something. Running water. Giving himself hope, he follows the sound until he's led to a river, with a small, gravely shore beside it. The river glistened beautifully in the sun's late afternoon light, making the water shine a lighter blue then what it probably was. Across the river looked identical to the side he was on, a shore then forest.

He stood there for a bit, admiring the beauty this one place could give off. If he makes it out of this forest, there's a small chance he may be coming back. Out of the corner of his eye, though, he sees movement. Turning his head, he sees someone sitting on the shore, a boy. He's smaller than Clay and has fluffy, brown hair, looking out at the river stream by.

Clay wasn't one for starting conversations, in fact he didn't like to talk to people unless they were his friends or family, but he was lost in the middle of a forest, what other option did he have?

Gathering up as much courage as he has, Clay starts to walk across the shore to the brunet boy. Judging by how quickly he whipped his head around and looked at him with wide eyes as he approached, he hadn't spotted Clay before.

"Who are you," he immediately questioned.

"Uh, Clay."

"Clay? That's an odd name, I don't like it."

Ouch. That's a bit harsh. Maybe he isn't as nice as he thought.

"Okay, well what's your name," he asked, already annoyed. "More common then-"

"It's George," he cuts him off.

Oh. Maybe it was more common than 'Clay'.

"What do you want," George asks, turning back to look at the river. "If it's to tease me then just go ahead and do it."

"Tease you? I just met you why would I tease you?"

He turns back to him, looking him up and down, before shrugging.

"Well, I assume we go to the same school and thought we were in the same grade, but you seem to be older, you wouldn't know."

"I'm in 5th grade."

Bittersweet // DreamnotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now