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By late afternoon, Dream ended up reading out of boredom. The book was 'The Kill Order', the last in the last book out of The Maze Runner series. It had been a bit since he had read, and he still had to finish the series. He loved reading; he just never did. Somehow.

Midway through, however he got a text from his sister to come pick her up from her friends. He rolled his eyes at the text, not really wanting to get up. Why couldn't she be older to drive? He would text her back 'No', but he also had nothing better to do.

He could just go in what he was wearing, right? He wouldn't be stepping out of the car. However, worry won him over and he asked anyway, getting the obvious reply 'No'. With that, he put on his white converse, walks to his car, and gets in.

Hannah's friend's house was only a few blocks away, in which she could have walked home, but females aren't really safe walking alone. It was also already too late for that, as he was in the driveway, typing a text to say he was there. Before he could finish, however she popped out the door with her bag of clothes and started walking towards the car.

"Hey," she said as she sat in the right seat beside him.

"You could've stayed an extra night, you didn't have to make me drive you back home," he says, not bothering to greet her back, exiting the drive-way.

"Yeah, but I wanted to come back. Plus, I would've walked home, but that also gives me the chance of dying. I was actually expecting you to take longer. Why aren't you at the river with George?"

"He had to go somewhere with his parents."

"Jeez, you've probably been worrying about him all day," she scoffed.

"I have not," he lied.

"Oh, come on. You worry about anyone you care about, so sure you haven't been worrying about your crush."

He feels his face start heating up. "I don't like him," he lies.

She moves her head to the side a bit and gives him a look.

"Only a bit," he mumbles, looking away.

"Hah, gay." He rolls his eyes in response.

They pulled into the driveway, Hannah's brown hair bouncing in front of him as they walked to the front door. She didn't have the same hair color as him, but they had the same green-hazel eye color and freckles. He had gotten his looks and height from his dad, but personality from his mom. His sister got less of their dad's traits.

He walks into his house, taking off his white converse, to be greeted with a cat sitting patiently, looking up at him.

"Hey, Patches," he says, in a sweet voice, that sounded like gumdrops. His sister looks back and rolls her eyes as Patches rubs against Dream's knees, as Dream had squatted down to pet her now.

"Why does that cat love you more than me?"

"Maybe it's because I feed her every night and she's mine."

She rolls her eyes again before going upstairs to her room.

He follows a little bit after to his own room, with Patches right on his heels. He closes his door right after Patches walks through, causing the room to become a lot darker. How late was it? He flops on his bed while grabbing his phone which was to his side.


Dang, way later then he thought. He also noticed a text on his phone from 3 minutes ago from Sapnap. 'Wanna hop on Minecraft?'. Dream smiled at the text. 'Sure', he replies, before getting up and going over to his computer. Patches had already curled up on his bed in a little ball, fast asleep.

He joins Sapnap's called to immediately get greeted with a loud "HELLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOO," that could blow Dream's eardrums out.

"Hey, Sapnap," he says, a lot calmer than the other. He loads up Minecraft and joins a world him, Sapnap, and George had started. Which sparks a question in Dream's mind.

"Is George joining, too?"

"Yeah, he should be on soon."

As if George heard them, he joins the call with a tired "Hey, guys."

They're all eventually on the same world, building, fighting, and play-flirting until 12:00 am. As a new habit, Dream scolds himself anytime he play-flirts with George and does it less than usual. They probably would've played longer if George didn't get tired so quickly and decided to go to bed.

"Night, George," Dream tells George.

"Byeeee," Sapnap says, more tired than when he first greeted Dream earlier. George leaves the call leaving just Dream and Sapnap. Just as Dream is about to tell Sapnap 'goodnight' as well Sapnap talks, suddenly sounding less tired than before.

"Alright, what's with you and George?"

Bittersweet // DreamnotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now