Sit Next To Me

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Dream looked over the text and thought about it for a bit. He didn't like parties too much and stayed away from alcohol as much as possible.

"...why don't you go do something? Take your mind off it.".

'Who will be there?' he texted back.

'Oh lots of ppl,' Tommy quickly responded. 'You'll know a few of them Tubbo Niki Karl O and youre little buddy snapchat or whoever'.

That didn't surprise Dream. Of course Sapnap would be there, he went to any party. Him and Sapnap were very different when it came to parties. Sapnap went to a party almost every week and drank at any chance. Dream was usually his drive back home.

'Could George come?' He texted back. He mentally slapped himself after tapping send. Wasn't this for forgetting about George?

'Oh sure!' Tommy replied. 'I was gonna ask about him sense idk his number'.

Dream sighed at the reply. Now he would have to bring him. Unless, of course, he said no. He agrees to going to the party and asking George, then gets the time and date.


Dream walked down the meadow to the forest, having not been late. In fact, he may be early. He woke up really early in the morning. He goes into the trees.

His outfit for the day was mostly casual, a green hoodie over a shirt, blue jeans, and some black converse. There was one thing out of place, though resting gently on his head.

The flower crown.

He would have kept it in his room, safe from anything that could squish or break it. However, he thought about how it could possibly make George smile, and he would take any chance to make him happier.

He slips out the trees and can immediately tell he is the first one there. Unlike usual, he goes to the shore of the river and sits down to wait and get lost in his own thoughts. He wasn't in much of the mood to jump on the rocks. The river glittered, pretty as always, seeming to invite him to come in. Dream knew better of this though; that the water would either pull him away, or sink him down to its dark bottom, for it seemed surprisingly deep. The summer sun beat down on his face, having the potential to become a deadly laser. It seemed to just grow hotter by the day.

Dream wasn't thinking about the appealing scenery or how hot the days had become however; he was thinking about how to ask George to come to the party with him. Though most of him wanted George to say no, there was a little voice also talking about how fun it would be if George came. He couldn't think of why it would be fun if George was there, but he also couldn't imagine it being fun without him there. Then again, Dream probably wouldn't care too much about the party either way.

Getting lost in his thoughts, he started to grow tired. The peaceful scenery mixed with waking up early made his eyes droopy. Soon, without meaning to, he fell asleep.


George walked through the trees, at first thinking he was the first one there, seeing as Dream wasn't on the rocks or by where George usually emerges from the trees. That was until he could just barely see a figure sitting on the bank of the river, which he immediately recognized as Dream. What was he doing there?

George started to walk over to him, but stopped a bit away at the notice of something sitting atop Dream's head.

The flower crown.

It made George's face light up with smile at the sight of his crush wearing the flower crown he made for him yesterday. He would have worn Dreams, but didn't want it to get damaged. Dream seemed to be a bit more confident, however.

George continued walking towards Dream. He was a bit confused as to why Dream hadn't looked up and greeted him yet. George then stood right beside him without Dream looking up. He began to worry.

"Dream," he said softly, kneeling down to try and look at his face. A worried expression painted his own.


He looked a bit closer to see Dreams eyes closed. That's when he heard the soft snores also coming from him. He was asleep.

George let out a soft, relieved sigh and sat next to Dream.

Dream's head flopped to the side a bit in his sleep. George realized, just then, how uncomfortable the sleeping position probably was. As quietly as possible, he scooted over next to Dream and let him lie on him. Only when Dreams head laid on top of his did he realize what was happening.

Why did he do this? His face started to heat up.

Though this would be extremely embarrassing when Dream did wake up, it was oddly comfortable now. Dream's head seemed to sit perfectly on top of George's and George melted into Dream's side. They stayed like that the rest of the time until about 30 minutes before George would have to leave. When Dream did wake up, it wasn't as embarrassing as George thought it would be.

George felt Dream lift his head up from atop Georges, in which George immediately decided to scoot away from Dream's side. Dream rubbed the sleep from his eyes before looking over and noticing George beside him. His eyes widened with realization.

"How long was I asleep," he asked.

"Hmm, a few hours," George hummed back.

"A few hours?" Dream replied in a frantic voice. "So you just sat here bored the whole time while I was asleep? You could have woken me up! You could have gone home if you wanted to, there was no point in you staying. I'm sor-."

"Dream, chill, its fine," George cut him off. "I was fine and you looked like you needed it."

Despite George saying it was fine, Dream still felt bad, like he had to make up for it.

They sat in silence for a bit, unsure on what to say next, before George said quietly, "You looked less worried asleep."

Dream turned his head in surprise at this comment, in which George looked away. Did he watch him?

"You snore though, which wasn't as peaceful," George then said. Dream chuckled relieving most of the tension in air.

"Hey, can I ask you something," Dream asking, causing George to turn his head around and look back at him. He met Dream's question with silence, bidding him to go on.

Dream thought about what he could say. He thought about how he could let out all the feelings he had had for forever. How he could tell him and go home heartbroken, with a broken friendship from George, and cry himself to sleep, but all the anxiety he felt would be gone. The sound of the flowers on his flower crown rustling made him tune back out of his thoughts.

"There's going to be a party tomorrow night at Wilbur's. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me."

George thought for a moment. "What time will it be?"

"9:00 PM until probably midnight. I could drive you or we could walk if you want."

He thought a on it a little more. "Yeah, I'll go. I could do with more social interaction."

Dream chuckled at the response, telling George he would tell Tommy, in which Dream then had to explain the story on how Tommy was hosting a party at Wilbur's just to annoy him.

I almost didn't post this on time, 1 hour and it would've been late!

Bittersweet // DreamnotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now