Dead Weight

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George emerged from the trees and undergrowth of the forest just in time to see Dream fall into the water. He was so far out he would have to hop on a few rocks to get close enough and swim over to him.

That's assuming he doesn't come back up.

He hopped on the rocks until he got about 5 rocks away from where Dream had fallen. He waited in that spot, watching intently at the water, hoping to see Dream pop up. He stood there for a 1 minute. That minute easily became the worst minute of his entire life. His head filled with so many questions. Did Dream mean to fall in there? Did he slip? Would he come back up? What if he didn't want to come back up by choice?

After just that minute of waiting he got too anxious, and splashed in after Dream. He looked around to the best of his abilities, vision blurred. The water stung at his eyes a bit but he didn't care enough at the moment. Surprisingly the water didn't pull him toward the rocks and sank down farther then he expected. Looking around frantically, he caught a glimpse at something sinking down, with no intentions to get up.

He swam towards it.

As he went closer, he swam faster, recognizing the green hoodie and larger figure. Despite Dream being larger, dragging him up to the shore wasn't much of a problem to George, as he was a lot stronger than he seemed. He didn't like to show that though, which caused more problems for George now, but you can't turn back time, can you?

As he reached Dream, he almost started crying before remembering he was deep underwater. Dream sank unconsciously, almost like he gave up. George didn't think he gave up fighting to breathe again, but then why was still sinking down here and not breathing up there? His face was peaceful and his body seemed to be cradled by the water.

George put his two arms around Dream's left one and started tugging up. Despite being strong, it was still a struggle to pull him up. The first attempt didn't get either anywhere, and George had to swim up by himself to catch his breath before going back down. The fight with holding his breath was starting to get tiring. Pulling against the water was harder than it seemed to be. It was like a game of tug-of-war between the water and him for Dream. The water held onto him like a mother holding onto her own child, surrounding him with her arms.

On his second attempt to pull him up he got pretty close to the top of the water, but was losing his breathe and strength. He dropped Dream's body for a quick moment to catch his own breath, before going back down for a third attempt.

On his third attempt he was finally able to get Dream's body to the surface and heave him on top of the rocks. He pulled himself onto the rocks beside Dream to get his breathing under control. He couldn't stay there long, though. He had to carry Dream's body to shore so he wouldn't fall off the rocks again.

He caught his breathe, gathered up all his strength, and picked up Dream bridal style. The combination of holding so much weight, jumping on slippery rocks while being wet, and blurry eyesight from crying made the task a lot harder than it could've been.

He did finally arrive to shore after taking four breaks on the rocks. He gently set Dream's unconscious body on the gravely shore to catch his own breath again. Dream was alive. George could see it. His chest heaved up and down, but he would still need CPR, as his breathes were shallow and seemed difficult. George thought back to one of the days Dream was playing on the rocks and talking about if he fell in.

"Come on, I know you would, and I bet you'd enjoy the CPR part," he recalled Dream's words.

George let out a sad chuckle. Not because the situation was funny, but because Dream was right. He always was. And George loved him for it. He still loved Dream. Despite everything he still adored Dream.

Bittersweet // DreamnotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now